
Shadow of Rome: Story Explained

“Shadow of Rome,” a historical action-adventure game by Capcom, is set in the tumultuous period following the assassination of Julius Caesar. Released in 2005 for PlayStation 2, it offers an engaging mix of combat and stealth, divided between two protagonists: Agrippa, a fierce gladiator, and Octavianus, a cunning political schemer. The game weaves a fictionalized narrative around these characters as they attempt to navigate the dangerous political landscape of Ancient Rome. Here’s a breakdown of the key events in the game’s story.

The Assassination of Julius Caesar

The game begins with the assassination of Julius Caesar, one of the most significant and controversial figures in Roman history. On his way to the Senate, Caesar is fatally stabbed, echoing the famous historical scene. His dying words—“Et tu, Brute?”—are directed at his assassin, Decius Brutus. This event sets off a chain of political chaos across Rome.

Agrippa’s Story: A Gladiator’s Path

The Accusation

Agrippa, a decorated Roman centurion, receives word that his father, Vipsanius, has been falsely accused of Caesar’s murder. Caesar’s successor, Antonius, declares that the person responsible for the assassination will face death at the hands of the winner of the upcoming gladiator games. Agrippa’s father, Vipsanius, is imprisoned and set as the ultimate prize for the games’ victor.

Becoming a Gladiator

Determined to save his father, Agrippa gives up his rank and enters the gladiatorial arena. He must rise to the top of the brutal gladiator ranks, participating in various combat scenarios, including deathmatches, team battles, and even chariot races. The gladiator battles in “Shadow of Rome” are visceral, with Agrippa using a variety of weapons to defeat his opponents and win the favor of the bloodthirsty crowd.

Shadow of Rome

The Betrayal

As Agrippa fights his way through the gladiator games, he discovers that Decius Brutus, one of Caesar’s assassins, is behind much of the conspiracy. Agrippa’s journey is not just about winning the games but uncovering the deeper plot surrounding Caesar’s death and his father’s wrongful imprisonment.

Octavianus’ Story: The Silent Investigator

The Investigation Begins

While Agrippa fights in the arena, Octavianus, Caesar’s nephew, decides to investigate the political intrigue behind the assassination. Unlike Agrippa, Octavianus is not a fighter. His sections of the game focus on stealth and subterfuge. He sneaks through Roman political buildings, eavesdropping on conversations, disguising himself, and uncovering the truth behind the conspiracy.

The Truth Unveiled

Through his investigation, Octavianus learns that Caesar’s assassination was orchestrated by multiple conspirators within the Roman Senate, including Decius Brutus and the ambitious Antonius. He also uncovers that Agrippa’s father was framed as part of a larger plot to consolidate power in the wake of Caesar’s death.

The Allies

Octavianus is assisted by Pansa, a former spy for Caesar, and Claudia, a skilled female gladiator who helps Agrippa in the arena. Claudia has her own reasons for opposing the conspirators, having lost her family to Roman soldiers in her youth. Her relationship with Agrippa and her brother Sextus, the leader of a gladiator camp, adds emotional depth to the story.

Shadow of Rome

The Final Showdown

Agrippa vs. Decius Brutus

After progressing through the gladiator games, Agrippa finally faces Decius Brutus in a climactic battle. Agrippa defeats Decius but spares his life, seeking justice rather than revenge. However, the political situation in Rome reaches a boiling point as Antonius, having learned of Octavianus’ discoveries, seeks to consolidate his power by force.

The Rise of Octavianus

In a surprising twist, it is revealed that Octavianus is Caesar’s true successor. Antonius’ plot is unveiled, and the Roman population rallies behind Octavianus. With the help of Agrippa and their allies, Octavianus takes control of Rome, defeating Antonius’ forces in a final battle.

Sextus’ Sacrifice

In the game’s emotional finale, Sextus sacrifices himself to protect Agrippa and Claudia during an assault by Antonius’ forces. His death serves as a reminder of the heavy toll of the political power struggles in Rome.

The Epilogue

With Antonius defeated and Rome now under the control of Octavianus, peace appears to be restored. Agrippa is reunited with his father, and Octavianus takes his place as the ruler of Rome, ushering in the era of Pax Romana (Roman Peace). However, the game ends on an ambiguous note, with Octavianus vowing to maintain peace but acknowledging the challenges that lie ahead.


“Shadow of Rome” presents a gripping fictional account of one of the most famous periods in Roman history. By blending intense gladiatorial combat with stealth-based political intrigue, the game offers a unique take on the events surrounding Julius Caesar’s assassination. While the game was well-received, its sales performance didn’t warrant a sequel, but its mix of gameplay styles and historical setting has earned it a cult following over the years.

Anika Sørensen, hailing from Copenhagen, Denmark, has established herself as a prominent video game journalist over the past twelve years. Specializing in Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) and Role-Playing Games (RPGs), Sørensen is celebrated for her insightful analyses and passionate coverage of the gaming industry. Beyond writing, Anika is an active member of the gaming community, attending major events like E3 and Gamescom to provide live coverage and exclusive insights. Her dedication to fostering a deeper understanding of video games has inspired countless gamers and aspiring journalists alike. Currently, Sørensen is working as Gaming Tier List's chief news editor.