NPCs were announced to be returning to Fallout 76 in an epic trailer for the upcoming updates released at E3. This update is to bring life to what was a lifeless world, what was to force players to interact with each other backfired and now NPCs are coming back to the world. Will that save Fallout 76 though? To answer that question, I argue we need to look at what Fallout 76 really is and what it’d need to do to be fun again. Fallout 76 is Honestly Just a Bad Guild Wars 2 Clone One of the weird things about Fallout 76 is that it’s pretty much Guild Wars 2 without a lot of the cool stuff about Guild Wars 2 and the PvP zone was in the PvE zone. No one makes that connection easily of course, but instead of an Everquest or World of Warcraft with a…
iTunes is not dying anytime soon – at least the windows app isn’t. While you may see many outlets report that iTunes is now dead and gone and wax poetically about the app going to the wayside, what isn’t reported often enough is that the windows client isn’t going to change. There is not going to be a split of any functionally out of the app immediately and it’s business as usual. The answer to this question was revealed within an Ars Technica interview with the following quote: Apple says users of iTunes under Microsoft Windows will not see any changes. It won’t be broken up into several apps; it will work just like it does now. Ars Technica Interview So there you have it if you’re curious about if iTunes for windows is going away or whatever the answer is no. If you’ve got a Mac that’s on “Catalina”…
More and more I’m becoming an eco-aware person because I’m finding paper straws are showing up more frequently in restaurants. Paper straws are a much more eco-friendlier version of the plastic straw which shouldn’t exist, but do. The mouthfeel of them is so awful and the taste of the beverage so far ruined that it makes me mad respect when the sweet lady at the sushi place behind where I live gets on everyone to reuse their straws. We need to cut carbon emissions fast and it’s growing more obvious each day. If we don’t, paper straws are just the start of the dystopian future where the US starts issuing Star Citizen packages as bonds and Bitcoin is the official in-game currency of World of Warcraft. We don’t need to jux our reality any further from the median into some Demolition Man world with the shells. They’re not the solution…
The Internet is ravenous for something to be conflicted about and right now it’s the Final Fantasy 7 remake. Why? Because it’s apparent that Square Enix is going in another direction with FF7. The recent trailer shows a different game than FF7, something that looks to be real time action based vs. turn based like the original. It also shows cutscenes from the original that diverse greatly from how they looked in the original. To put it simply, Final Fantasy VII: Remake won’t be a remastered version of FF7 but instead a remade one. Is this bad? I mean, look at StarCraft: Remastered. It’s like, an okay game right. The graphics are a bit easier on the eyes. It’s nice. Just sort of nice. Blizzard did a super careful job of keeping it the same game, just with prettier graphics and working out of the box in Windows 10. Nice…
You may hear about how Cloud Imperium Games is removing CCUs from the game and that from within the cult, you’ll hear how this is okay and great for Star Citizen (everything is) and you’ll hear the opposite from those with CCU’s (Cross-Chassis Upgrades). To understand how this is an issue, you need to understand a lot of how the ship pledges have worked over the years. If you do understand the issue, you need to check your list of purchases and make sure that nothing else was removed. In addition to the $0 CCU tokens, many players have found their entire pledge packages removed. There is no “ship” list in Star Citizen, but instead a list of packages that you have purchased, making it all that extra confusing to see if CIG wants you to re-buy something you’ve already purchased. To note, this is a confusing system – I’ve…
The Cult of Star Citizen is the bellowing flame enclosed within the massive furnace that is the cult of personality around Chris Roberts. Although the furnace is made of paper mâché and false promises, it still bellows. The flames roar mightily across the Internet, defending the cult from nefarious non-believers, tithing their income to the venerable Chris Roberts and making videos of how great a very limited buggy tech demo is. If you went back twenty years and told me that this nonsense existed, back in the sweet innocent year of 1999 when the Internet was the proverbial paradise of ideas, collaboration and communication – I wouldn’t believe you and point you to Slashdot to read about how blogs are going to save society. See, back then the belief was around the idea that everyone online could report the news and that no longer would mega-corporations control the news. Now,…
Here at Game Truth we do reviews differently than other sites. No numbers, no scales. Just our raw opinion. Sometimes reviews are short – when games deserve it. Sometimes they’re long – when games deserve it. Please source your reviews from multiple sources before considering purchasing a game. No reviews on GameTruth are sponsored. Forager is a odd active-idle game designed around the Stardew Valley / Zelda / Harvest Moon / Innocent Life / Rune Factory / My Time at Portia / etc. The premise is simple – there is a grid of of islands and five biomes. You do various tasks like fighting enemies, farming, mining things and solving the island puzzles to gain coins which let you buy more islands. Each biome has a puzzle room and a dungeon room, except for the starting grass biome. You build mining rods to mine for you and build more and…
We’ve got an assortment of helpful tips that is great to know before you start for both veterans of Paradox games and those new to the genre. Imperator: Rome is a grand strategy game where you control a map and you make decisions internally (how much to pay people, what to trade where, etc.) and externally (who to invade, who to ally with, etc.) to determine your success in the game. The biggest tip is that Imperator Rome is like a fine wine that gets better with age. The first few playthroughs, even for fans experienced in the genre, often involve epic random failure from subsystems that were ignored or events that were triggered. That’s the joy of the game. Below you’ll find a variety of tips that you should soak in before you start your next game. You can only ally with countries that are your same rank, but…
Stuck at the last boss of Supraland? Our Farting Meatbag Guide will give you some spoiler free steps and then walk you through what to do. Leading up to the FMB There is a section with two monsters you have to defeat to unlock the FMB. Once unlocked, you head through the pipe. If you have trouble, just have faith in yourself. Use your Force Cube to block them and just keep firing your gun. If you’re too weak, go back and puzzle out some earlier areas for more health and damage. Spoiler Free Tips The fight is a PUZZLE. You do not need to fire your red MacGuffin once. The farting meat bag expels green gas. What happens if you get near it.Remember you can float across metal.Something else can act as a supraball. It just needs to be yellow. The blue bars do not have to be removed.There…
So you’ve bought Battle of Azeroth and you’re ready to play but now what? The game gives you a few breadcrumbs to start your amazing journey in Azeroth. First, via the airship tutorial that takes only a moment to finish and is skippable, which we will go into details below. Next, there are several things to do to get you on your way to 120 as soon as you’re let go and we will go over those as well. The Tutorial – How to Skip the WoW Character Boost Tutorial You shouldn’t skip it because it gives you a good rundown of the character, but if it’s a character class you know how to play then by all means skip away. The tutorial will have you use a specific number of skills a specific number of times and then immediately take you to the Battle of Azeroth fight. You can…