This month is huge for the video game industry, with the release of two games that fans have been waiting over a decade for (and they’re both actually really good) some things have gotten lost in the excitement of the gaming community. Playing the remake of the classic Resident Evil 2 made me look back on the entirety of the franchise and really appreciate the roots of this pioneering horror franchise. Where the RE franchise really struck a chord with the gaming community though was its settings, for the originals creepy yet hauntingly beautiful mansions, to the daunting but endlessly fascinating museum turned police station from the sequel and even the rich and varied Spanish countryside in four, the series as a whole has been made or broken on where the story is told and it is my theory as to why not only does the most recent remake shine…
Now I’m sure people are tired of hearing about GOTY talk and now that it’s a new year I’m sure you thought that you were safe finally, well GOTCHA. Honestly, I absolutely love to argue, well more of debate topics back and forth with both sides bringing up good points and supporting those points with sound logic then waiting while the other person does the same, or at the very least yelling that doesn’t end in fights, tears or both. So obviously all of the game of the year talk had me ready to grab a drink and some cough drops but I personally feel that it’s unfair to decide a true game of the year before January, but now that the first of the year has passed lets get down to the nitty-gritty of why GoW still reigns supreme. First let’s talk about some of the challengers to the…
“Do you guys not have phones?” A phrase that will live in infamy as the moment where people of the what I would define as more “hardcore” gaming audience realized that mobile games had worked their way into even the most “sacred” of gaming franchises. Mortal Kombat has one, Diablo is getting one and now the much-loved Alien: Isolation is getting a mobile sequel. But that is old news now and acts more as inspiration and example then the breaking of a story, so this one’s for you Alien: Blackout. What I am trying to say here is that there are basically two things that are examined when a game is put into development and that is money and popularity. The gaming community is at a crossroads where those two things are starting to butt heads which is ultimately hurting the people caught in the crossfire. No one can deny…
You know you have made it big when a phrase is more associated with your game than the actual meaning and Rockstar has done just that with their infamous game franchise “Grand Theft Auto”, even if the franchise wallowed in obscurity for the first two titles. The franchise exploded with the release of the third installment of the franchise and launched an entire generation of moms that condemn video games as a whole based simply on one experience of accidentally buying the game for their under aged child. Now it may seem like that really has no relevance to what the title of this leads you to believe but in fact, it has EVERYTHING to do with it. But I suppose I should take a step back and bring this full circle. Rockstar has been sued more times than you could count on two hands whether it’s protecting their IP,…