
Genshin Impact Tier List & Best Team – 2022

In Genshin Impact you can turn wishes into new characters and items. It’s sort of a gacha game but with really cute anime inspired characters. The hard thing is figuring out which characters to have on your team and which characters to bank. Plus you have to figure out who you want to invest in, give your best weapons, use in certain situations, etc.

To help with that problem we have the below tier list which should give you an idea on who and what to prioritize on. You may more or less focus on just gaining new characters due to the randomness involved in Genshin Impact instead of focusing on gaining a specific one.

You want to have one ranged (bow) user in your party. Healers are helpful, so are support, but you may also want to focus mostly on DPS. Remember that no list is going to ever replace playing the game and getting a feel for which characters work best for you.

If you’re looking for a team recommendation, that would be: Keqing, Diluc, Venti, Qiqi. Pretty balanced team that works really well. Lots of other players have found this team to work too.

The protagonist (Traveler) doesn’t have to be in your party!

A Tier

These characters are must haves for your team:

  • Qiqi
  • Mona
  • Venti
  • Fischl
  • Diluc

B Tier

These characters are includes if you don’t have any of the above.

  • Xiao
  • Klee
  • Kequing
  • Xiangling
  • Jean
  • Bennett

The Rest

C Tier

These are characters that are just barely okay.

  • Barbara
  • Chongyun
  • Razor
  • Xingqui

D Tier

These are characters you should replace as soon as you can.

  • Kaeya
  • Ningguang
  • Noelle
  • Lisa
  • Beidou
  • Sucrose
  • Traveler
  • Amber

That’s it for our tier list. Have fun out in the world of Genshin Impact!

David Piner, an accomplished video game journalist since 2001, excels in developing comprehensive guides and engaging content to enrich the gaming experience. As the esteemed former Managing Editor at TTH (as David "Xerin" Piner) for over a decade, David established a strong reputation for his perceptive analysis, captivating content, and streamlined guides. Having led skilled teams of writers and editors, David has been instrumental in producing an extensive collection of articles, reviews, and guides tailored to both casual and hardcore gamers aiming to enhance their skills. Dedicated to player-centric content, David meticulously crafts guides and articles with the players' interests in mind. He is a proud member of OUT Georgia and fervently champions equity and equality across all spheres.