We rank all champions for League of Legends: Wild Rift into two tier lists. First is the best champions in the game, period and the second is the best champion for the five main roles: top, bottom (ADC), middle, support and jungle.
In coming up with our tier list, we weigh the common player solo queuing over group play. We also focus our S tier on the best hero to pick, regardless of other choices, based on the current meta to make it easy to know which character you can choose and know you’ll do a great job in that role with its specific tool kit.
At the end of the tier list we have the best devices to play LoL: Wild Rift on. These are going to likely be what you expect: the flagships for the top mobile brands Apple and Samsung, but we have some tips for some more budget aligned options and some non standard options like the ROG Phone 5.
Who to pick as first champion: When given the five heroes at the start, I’d go with Garen. Good all rounder, sturdy. You can also go with Jinx. Not a bad choice either. This only honestly applies to the tutorial match. You unlock all five afterwards, including if you skip. You can skip the tutorial by clicking the skip button at the top.
Without further adue, here is our LoL: Wild Rift Tier List:
LoL: Wild Rift Overall Best Champions
The best champions right now are:
S Tier
- Darius
- Miss Fortune
- Lulu
- Amumu
- Ezreal
- Katarina
- Jinx
- Garen
- Alistar
A & B Tier
All other champions. No notable mentions. There isn’t a “bad champion” right now. The above characters stand out.
LoL: Wild Rift Tier List by Role
Top Lane Tier List
- Darius, Akali
- Gragas, Malphite
- All Other Champions
Bottom (ADC) Lane Tier List
- Miss Fortune, Kai’sa, Draven, Jinx, Xayah
- All Other Champions
Middle Lane Tier List
- Katarina, Akali
- Galio, Orianna, Yasuo
- All Other Champions
Support Lane Tier List
- Leona
- Alistar, Lulu, Janna, Sona
- All Other Support Champions
Jungle Lane Tier List
- Evelyn, Wukong
- Olaf, Amumu, Vi
- Graves, Jarvan IV, Shyvana, Lee Sin
Best Devices (Phone / Tablet) to Play Wild Rift On
We have a phone tier list if you’re curious about which phone to get.
Larger phones work best, Wild Rift has been out awhile and is optimized on any phone after say an iPhone 11 or any modern Android phone should play it fine. iPads are the best tablets to play on.
In regards to console release, any console will run this game the best, so don’t worry about Xbox vs. PS4 or 5.