
Monster Hunter Wilds: Best Loadout for Hunting Guardian Doshaguma

Guardian Doshaguma is among the most formidable monsters you’ll encounter in Monster Hunter Wilds. This powerful construct, a manufactured version of the ferocious Doshaguma, dwells within the Ruins of Wyveria. To successfully hunt this imposing beast, you’ll need the right gear and a strategy tailored around its strengths and weaknesses.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you the best loadout for effectively hunting Guardian Doshaguma, including recommended weapons, armor sets, skills, and essential tactics.

Understanding Guardian Doshaguma

Before choosing your gear, it’s vital to understand Guardian Doshaguma’s attack patterns, weaknesses, and behavior.

Guardian Doshaguma’s Moveset

This artificial monster uses a combination of powerful, sweeping arm attacks and ground-shaking slams. A few moves to watch out for include:

  • Two-Arm Slam: Guardian Doshaguma raises both forearms and smashes them down consecutively. Avoid getting caught directly in front of it.
  • Charge Attack: After rising onto its hind legs, it drops down quickly, rushing forward with surprising speed. Dodge sideways to avoid its trajectory.
  • Projectile Attack: From a standing position, it can launch energy projectiles. These are telegraphed clearly with a charge; dodge or block accordingly.
  • Sweep and Slide: Guardian Doshaguma combines a sweeping arm attack with a quick sideways slide, making it tricky to evade. Distance or precise timing is key.

Guardian Doshaguma Weaknesses

Guardian Doshaguma is particularly susceptible to Ice Element attacks. Exploiting this elemental weakness will significantly improve your damage output.

  • Weakness: Ice
  • Resistances: Minimal effectiveness from other elements like Fire, Thunder, and Dragon.

Best Loadout for Hunting Guardian Doshaguma

To maximize your hunting efficiency, your loadout should leverage Guardian Doshaguma’s ice vulnerability while bolstering your defenses against its powerful attacks.

Monster Hunter Wilds

The Long Sword strikes an ideal balance between speed, range, and power, making it excellent against Guardian Doshaguma. Specifically, invest in the following weapon progression:

  • Early Hunt: Barina Flamberge I (Paralysis effect to immobilize Guardian Doshaguma briefly)
  • Mid Hunt: Rey Tonitrus I (Good damage and Focus for a faster Spirit Gauge build-up)
  • Ideal Weapon: Bone Shotel III (High raw damage, Level 2 Focus for rapid Spirit Gauge charging)

If you’ve reached Guardian Doshaguma in Low Rank, the Bone Shotel III will deal devastating damage, quickly filling your Spirit Gauge for powerful combos.

Armor Set Recommendations

Your armor set should enhance survivability and enable effective use of Long Sword combos. Consider this optimal combination for hunting Guardian Doshaguma:

  • Helmet: Guardian Ebony Helm (Burst skill for increased damage after continuous hits)
  • Chest: Ajarakan Mail (Partbreaker Level 2 to easily break Guardian Doshaguma’s limbs)
  • Arms: Guardian Ebony Braces (Burst for continued damage boosts)
  • Waist: Guardian Ebony Coil (Additional Burst skill)
  • Legs: Ajarakan Greaves (Partbreaker to maximize wound damage)

Set Bonuses:

  • Ebony Odogaron’s Power (Level 2): Extends the Burst duration, providing sustained attack boosts.
  • Blessing Charm I: Provides Divine Blessing, occasionally reducing damage taken significantly.

Prioritize these vital skills for your gear:

  • Focus: Enhances your Spirit Gauge charge rate, allowing consistent Spirit Helm Breaker attacks.
  • Partbreaker: Guardian Doshaguma’s limbs are tough—Partbreaker makes it easier to damage and destroy them, staggering and weakening your target.
  • Divine Blessing: Adds crucial survivability, occasionally reducing incoming damage.
  • Burst: Provides incremental damage boosts as you continue attacking, ideal for the Long Sword’s lengthy combos.
  • Flinch Free: Prevents interruptions during your Spirit Blade combos.

Monster Hunter Wilds

Always be prepared with the right items:

  • Mega Potions: For quick, substantial healing.
  • Adamant Seed: To counter Guardian Doshaguma’s Defense Down effects.
  • Shock Trap & Tranq Bombs: If capturing, these items are essential.
  • Flash Pods: Useful for momentarily disorienting Guardian Doshaguma during its more aggressive moves.
  • Well-Done Steak / Rations: Maintain your stamina to effectively dodge and counterattack.

Hunting Strategy and Combat Tips

General Tactics

  • Wound Targeting: Prioritize attacking the same limbs repeatedly to expose wounds quickly. Use your Long Sword’s Focus Strike (LT + RB) to instantly destroy these wounds, staggering Guardian Doshaguma and providing essential openings.
  • Spirit Gauge Management: Build your Spirit Gauge swiftly with basic attacks, then perform Spirit Blade combos. Aim for Spirit Helm Breaker at maximum gauge for heavy damage.
  • Avoid Front Attacks: Guardian Doshaguma’s most damaging moves are frontal slams and charges. Always position yourself on its sides or rear.

Counter and Dodging

  • Foresight Slash (Y + B after a basic attack): Quickly dodge backward and counterattack, rapidly building your Spirit Gauge.
  • Iai Spirit Slash (RT + A to sheath, then RT to counter): Difficult but rewarding, this counter move can skip the initial Spirit Blade combo steps and immediately raise your gauge level.

Utilize Your Seikret Mount

  • Mount your Seikret to quickly reposition, heal safely, or sharpen your weapon mid-combat.
  • Your Seikret can also hold a secondary weapon if you need alternate elemental damage or status effects during the fight.

Multiplayer Advice

Guardian Doshaguma scales with multiple hunters, becoming tougher but allowing more opportunities to flank and attack from multiple angles. Coordinate with your group to maximize damage output—ideally, one hunter will focus on drawing Guardian Doshaguma’s attention while others break limbs and inflict elemental damage.


Guardian Doshaguma is a tough, rewarding challenge in Monster Hunter Wilds. By choosing the Bone Shotel III Long Sword, Guardian Ebony and Ajarakan armor pieces, and prioritizing key skills like Focus, Partbreaker, and Divine Blessing, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this formidable foe.

Remember to exploit its ice weakness, manage your Spirit Gauge efficiently, and leverage wounds for maximum damage. With preparation and practice, you’ll soon be hunting Guardian Doshaguma with confidence. Good luck, hunter!

Anika Sørensen, hailing from Copenhagen, Denmark, has established herself as a prominent video game journalist over the past twelve years. Specializing in Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) and Role-Playing Games (RPGs), Sørensen is celebrated for her insightful analyses and passionate coverage of the gaming industry. Beyond writing, Anika is an active member of the gaming community, attending major events like E3 and Gamescom to provide live coverage and exclusive insights. Her dedication to fostering a deeper understanding of video games has inspired countless gamers and aspiring journalists alike. Currently, Sørensen is working as Gaming Tier List's chief news editor.