

Title: King Of Uruk

Type: Melee, Physical

Roles: Warrior

On Free Rotation: No

Latest God: No

GTL Tier®: S

Pros: High Defense

Gilgamesh Guide

Gilgamesh excels in the solo lane during the early game. Focus on clearing the wave and poking your opponent. Gilgamesh has high base damage, so you can bully most other solo laners. Pick Guard’s Gift as your starter, as you’ll need the physical defense. Once you hit level 2, you can full clear using your 1 and 3. Look for opportunities to dash through the wave with your 1 to hit your enemy, then follow up with auto attacks. Save your 3 for escaping ganks or chasing kills.

For team compositions, Gilgamesh works best in aggressive comps with other dive characters. Pair well with assassins like Kali or Mercury. Avoid passive supports like Ganesha. Gilgamesh can flex into jungle or support, but solo is your strongest role. In jungle, build more damage and look to gank solo lane. As support, build hybrid and play up in the duo lane, setting up kills with your CC.

Use your 1 offensively to dive towers, chase kills or clear waves. The knockup and stun make it great for peeling as well. Your 2 gives movement speed for chasing or escaping. The leap on your 3 does high damage, so use it whenever it’s off cooldown for poke or securing kills. Save your ult exclusively for teamfights. Look to isolate a squishy target with the walls, then dive them with your team. The ult also works great for objective secure or stealing – drop it on the Fire Giant or Gold Fury.

In teamfights, initiate when you have a numbers advantage or see a high priority target out of position. Your role is initiator. Look for the right opportunity to dive the backline with your 1 and ult. Peel for your mages and ADCs if needed. Gilgamesh excels at disrupting the enemy team with CC and high damage. Help secure objectives when your abilities are off cooldown. Keep track of enemy relics and ults before committing to a fight.Communicate with your team before starting objectives or teamfights. Let them know if your ult or other abilities are down. Build hybrid defense items like Shifter’s Shield so you can survive late game teamfights.

Early on, focus on stacking your Guard’s gift and clearing the wave. Look for poke damage when possible, but avoid taking too much minion aggro. Call for ganks if your opponent overextends or their jungler shows on the map. Around level 5 you have kill potential, so try to bait your enemy’s escape before committing. Once you get your ult, look for opportunities to trap your enemy in lane. The walls do high damage and block their path, allowing you and your jungler to secure first blood.

Ahead in lane, deny your opponent farm and snowball your lead. Take their blue buff and proxy the next wave between their towers. Rotate for mid camps, ganks and objectives. Behind, play safe under tower and call for help. Gilga can set up kills even from behind with his CC, so look for counter engage opportunities. In teamfights, focus on peeling for your damage dealers. Your ult remains useful for isolating targets or trapping enemies for your team to collapse on.

Build hybrid items with health, protections, and power. Items like Shifter’s Shield, Void Shield, Ancile and Runeforged Hammer synergize well with Gilgamesh’s kit. For boots, Warrior Tabi provide extra damage for early snowball and kill potential. Relics should be Beads and Blink or Shield, for survivability and engagement. Gilgamesh’s abilities cost a lot of mana, so build a few MP5 items too.

Gilgamesh takes practice to master but can dominate games when played correctly. Focus on snowballing your lane, securing objectives, and initiating favorable teamfights. Gilga’s kit rewards aggressive plays, so don’t be afraid to dive towers or chase kills when you have a lead. With the right build and some experience, you’ll be playing Gilgamesh like a pro in no time.. Communicate well with your team and look for every opportunity to get ahead. A fed Gilgamesh can hard carry games, so do your best to maximize your farm and get kills whenever possible.

David Piner, an accomplished video game journalist since 2001, excels in developing comprehensive guides and engaging content to enrich the gaming experience. As the esteemed former Managing Editor at TTH (as David "Xerin" Piner) for over a decade, David established a strong reputation for his perceptive analysis, captivating content, and streamlined guides. Having led skilled teams of writers and editors, David has been instrumental in producing an extensive collection of articles, reviews, and guides tailored to both casual and hardcore gamers aiming to enhance their skills. Dedicated to player-centric content, David meticulously crafts guides and articles with the players' interests in mind. He is a proud member of OUT Georgia and fervently champions equity and equality across all spheres.