

Title: Hero of Hawai‘i

Type: Melee, Magical

Roles: Guardian

On Free Rotation: No

Latest God: No

GTL Tier®: A

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Mobility

Maui Guide

As Maui, focus on clearing the wave as fast as possible in the early game using your 2-1 combo. Your priority is stacking your passive by hitting enemy gods with both abilities. Once you have 3-4 stacks, look for an opportunity to pull the enemy laner with your 3 and unload your full combo for an easy kill. Maui has one of the strongest level 2 power spikes, so take advantage of it.

In the solo lane, push up and steal the enemy blue buff whenever possible. Your 1 provides mobility to get in and out quickly. In the duo lane as support, prioritize clearing purple and red buff for your ADC. Rotate mid often to gank the enemy mid laner. Maui’s CC and damage allow for easy kills, especially if you can pull the enemy under your tower.

As a jungler, focus on farming early but watch for opportunities to gank overextended lanes. Look for lanes that have high kill potential when combined with your CC and damage. A successful gank will get you stacks and allow you to start rotating more aggressively.

Positioning and Team Compositions

Maui works best in the solo lane or as a support, but can also jungle effectively. As a solo laner, Maui counters most warriors and guardians. Your mobility and sustain allow you to win lane and impact team fights. As support, Maui pairs well with ADCs that rely on basic attacks like Rama or Artemis. Your passive buffs their damage, allowing them to shred objectives and enemies.

For team compositions, Maui fits into dive comps, objective burn comps and pick comps. In dive comps, your ultimate provides the engage while your passive buffs ally damage. For objective burn comps, your 1 and 2 help quickly take objectives while your passive amplifies your ADC’s damage. In pick comps, your 3 provides the CC to isolate and burst down enemies. Maui struggles in full poke comps since he lacks ranged abilities.

Ability Tips and Tricks

Your 1 provides mobility, damage and a passive stack. Use it to engage, escape or quickly move between lanes. Your 2 is your primary clear ability. Hit the full wave to stack your passive, then look to poke the enemy gods. Your 3 is key for setting up kills. Pull enemies under tower or into your team to burst them down. Your ultimate knocks up enemies and stuns them at the end. Use it to engage team fights, peel for allies or secure objectives like Fire Giant or Gold Fury.

When laning, use your 2 to hit the full wave and the enemy, then immediately pull them with your 3 for an easy first blood. In team fights, look for the biggest threat and pull them into your team with your 3 to blow them up. Your ultimate should be used early to group enemies for ally AOEs. Always keep auto attacking and using abilities to maximize your passive stacks and buff ally damage.

Role and Interactions

As Maui, your role is utility damage dealer and setup. Your job is to use your CC and peel to help your carries get kills and push objectives. Build hybrid bruiser items that provide damage and protections. Relics should include Blink for engage and Shell/Sprint for disengage.

In team fights, focus on singling out and bursting down enemy damage dealers and mages. Your passive amplifies ally damage, so coordinate attacks with your team. Defend your backline from divers and look for opportunities to dive the enemy backline. Secure objectives like Fire Giant and Gold Fury using your CC to lock down enemies trying to contest.

David Piner, an accomplished video game journalist since 2001, excels in developing comprehensive guides and engaging content to enrich the gaming experience. As the esteemed former Managing Editor at TTH (as David "Xerin" Piner) for over a decade, David established a strong reputation for his perceptive analysis, captivating content, and streamlined guides. Having led skilled teams of writers and editors, David has been instrumental in producing an extensive collection of articles, reviews, and guides tailored to both casual and hardcore gamers aiming to enhance their skills. Dedicated to player-centric content, David meticulously crafts guides and articles with the players' interests in mind. He is a proud member of OUT Georgia and fervently champions equity and equality across all spheres.