Street Fighter V features one of the most viciously competitive scenes in gaming. With that in mind, players are always doing everything they can to stay on top of the current meta.
After all, the popularity and effectiveness of each character ebbs and flows with each new patch. To that end, we have developed a tier list to help players stay up to date on which fighters are dominating the current meta and which characters are being left in the proverbial dust.
Tier List Descriptions
- Tier S — These fighters are believed to give the greatest advantage. Powerful and popular, these fighters are always top picks.
- Tier A — These fighters are strong choices. Though not as strong as their Tier S counterparts, these fighters will still often provide you with a certain fighting edge.
- Tier B — These fighters are average. Neither troublesome nor overpowered, you never feel burdened when playing these fighters.
- Tier C — These fighters often require a higher level of skill than many of their counterparts. Consequently, players do not always find as much success with these fighters as compared to other competitors on the roster.
- Tier D — These fighters are considered the weakest on the roster. If you are new to the game, consider choosing a higher ranked fighter.

- Akuma
- Ibuki
- Karin
- Rashid
- Birdie
- Cammy
- R. Mika
- Sagat
- M. Bison
- Urien
- Zeku
- Abigail
- Balrog
- Chun-Li
- Dhalsim
- F.AN.G
- G
- Zangief
- Guile
- Kage
- Ken
- Kolin
- Laura
- Menat
- Necalli
- Sakura
- Vega
- Blanka
- Cody
- E. Honda
- Juri
- Lucia
- Nash
- Poison
- Alex
- Ed
- Falke
- Ryu
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