
The Full Story of Endoparasitic 1 & 2 (Including Endings)

The Endoparasitic series is a YouTuber favorite. In the first game, infamous for its unique playstyle, you only have a single arm and have to survive. This results in two forms of inventory management, your actual inventory and then the one arm you have to defend yourself with. The first game left us with lots of questions and the second game answers those and presents some more.

Full spoilers on both games below.

Endoparasitic 1

The first game (Endoparasitic on Steam ( introduces us to Dr. Cynte (voiced by Gianni Matragrano), a parasitologist leading dangerous experiments at a secret research facility on a distant asteroid. An accident unleashes a deadly parasite—Nautilus—throughout the facility, transforming people into horrific creatures. Cynte, despite losing three limbs during the outbreak, manages to survive due to his infection with the same parasite.

In the wake of the facility’s collapse, Cynte crawls through its halls, using vaccines to keep the parasite from taking over his brain. These vaccines only offer temporary relief, and he knows that time is running out. As he moves through the debris and destruction, it becomes evident that Cynte’s lack of regard for human life and his obsessive pursuit of knowledge were the real driving forces behind the catastrophe.

Cynte’s inhuman experiments involved using both humans and animals as test subjects, aiming to understand and control the parasite. The parasite was ancient, originating from a universe older than ours, and only infected hosts it deemed “worthy.” Cynte saw himself as destined to harness its power, and his willingness to sacrifice others for this goal highlights his sociopathic tendencies.

Praví is, as far as the first game is considered, the lead suspect for who released the parasite. Cynte is unable to save them and concludes they likely were the one to release it anyway. Showcasing Cynte’s views about his team.

As Cynte progresses through the facility, he learns that his subordinate, Luce, who escaped the outbreak in a shuttle, had also become involved with the parasite. She believed herself to be “chosen” by it, developing an obsession that rivaled Cynte’s. In the end, Cynte discovers that Luce released the parasite herself, and though Cynte is furious, it is not because of the outbreak she caused, but because he wasn’t the one chosen. Luce leaves Cynte behind on the asteroid as the parasites close in, setting the stage for the second game.

Endoparasitic 2

Available on Steam and Endoparasitic 2 by miziziziz (

Cynte’s Escape

Endoparasitic 2 begins with Cynte stranded on the asteroid, still infected and barely clinging to life. After three months of isolation, he detects a nearby spaceship and seizes the opportunity to escape. The ship, a luxury cruiser, is his last hope of finding a way to treat his infection and survive.

However, when Cynte boards the ship, he quickly discovers that it is not the haven he hoped for. The cruiser is in ruins, its crew massacred by mutants, and the parasite has spread through the vessel just as it did in the research facility. Most of the passengers aboard the ship were tourists on a leisure cruise, but their trip has turned into a horrific nightmare. Notes left by the crew, including messages from a man named Kojo to his friend Farash, paint a picture of the chaos that ensued as the parasite took hold​.

The Search for Luce and Caris

As Cynte explores the ship, he uncovers more details about the catastrophe. Among the audio logs is a report from Officer Kepler, the ship’s chief security officer, who mentions a young woman named Luce arriving on the ship, fleeing from someone pursuing her—Cynte himself. Luce, now fully consumed by the parasite, has gained extraordinary powers, but her mind is fractured. She has become the central node of a hive mind, driven to spread the parasite further and infect as many people as possible.

Cynte’s jealousy and arrogance are at the forefront once again as he reflects on Luce’s condition. Though he had once seen her as insignificant, the power she has gained from the parasite infuriates him. His sense of superiority remains intact, yet the devastation she caused forces him to confront the consequences of the parasite’s manipulation​.

During his exploration, Cynte reconnects with Caris, a former colleague who has barricaded himself in a lab on the ship. Caris was also part of the research team on the asteroid, and their reunion reveals a deep, complicated relationship. Caris promises to help Cynte by crafting vaccines and supplies in exchange for samples from the infected creatures. Their interactions hint at unresolved feelings, with Cynte displaying an unusual vulnerability in Caris’s presence, contrasting with his typical cold demeanor. Their bond is tested as they work together to try and find a way to stop the parasite.

Luce’s Downfall

As Cynte fights through the ship’s parasite-ravaged halls, he witnesses the extent of Luce’s transformation. She has become a grotesque version of herself, her body and mind overtaken by the parasite’s will. When Cynte finally confronts her, he is forced to reckon with his own ego. Luce, who once seemed unworthy in Cynte’s eyes, has become a monster beyond saving. Her powers, which Cynte once envied, have reduced her to a puppet of the parasite’s hive mind.

In their final encounter, Luce attacks Cynte, begging him to end her misery. Though she is the game’s final boss, her death is not a moment of triumph for Cynte. He is left disheartened, realizing that everything he fought for was meaningless. Even his victory feels hollow.

The Ending… ?

With Luce dead and the ship decimated, Cynte turns to Caris once again. The two brilliant scientists, despite their troubled past, must now focus on finding a cure. The parasite, however, still looms large. It has spread far and wide, and its hive mind shows no signs of stopping. The future remains uncertain, as Cynte and Caris’s efforts to develop a permanent solution may be too late to stop the full-scale spread of the infection​.

Cynte, being a cold hearted villian in the story (Luce is the true villian but still) doesn’t get a happy ending. If you go through the game and focus on the lore, you quickly find out he’s not and never has been the good guy.

David Piner, an accomplished video game journalist since 2001, excels in developing comprehensive guides and engaging content to enrich the gaming experience. As the esteemed former Managing Editor at TTH (as David "Xerin" Piner) for over a decade, David established a strong reputation for his perceptive analysis, captivating content, and streamlined guides. Having led skilled teams of writers and editors, David has been instrumental in producing an extensive collection of articles, reviews, and guides tailored to both casual and hardcore gamers aiming to enhance their skills. Dedicated to player-centric content, David meticulously crafts guides and articles with the players' interests in mind. He is a proud member of OUT Georgia and fervently champions equity and equality across all spheres.