
“DuneCrawl” Sends You and Your Friends on a High-Octane Desert Adventure

Survive the Sands: Co-Op Combat and Exploration Await in DuneCrawl

Hit the dusty trail with Alientrap’s newest co-op action-adventure title, DuneCrawl, set for release on Steam in early 2025! This indie studio out of Toronto has built something special, offering a thrilling blend of exploration, teamwork, and tactical combat in their first-ever open-world multiplayer game. It’s designed for 1-4 players, so whether you’re planning to solo the sands or band together with friends, you’ll have plenty of freedom to chart your course through an unforgiving wasteland.

At its heart, DuneCrawl has you and your crew of privateers hopping aboard a massive, cannon-loaded desert ship known simply as the “Dune Crawler.” Imagine a sand-sailing battleship, packed with enough firepower to make any pirate rethink their life choices. How you use this beast is entirely up to you. Will you become desert kings, tracking down treasure and wreaking havoc on your enemies, or will you play it safe, exploring the sandy labyrinth for hidden secrets and resources? With both online and local co-op modes, the decision doesn’t have to be yours alone.

The Co-Op Experience

What really sets DuneCrawl apart is how it approaches cooperative gameplay. This isn’t your typical “everyone just mashes buttons” experience. You and your team will need to truly communicate and work together to keep your ship functional and combat-ready. Divvy up roles based on your strengths: one player controls the ship’s movement, another mans the cannons, while someone keeps an eye out for potential threats. Trust me, coordination is key here—especially when your dune crawler’s under fire, and you realize the person meant to reload the weapons got distracted by the dust storms swirling around you.

From what Alientrap has shared so far, it looks like the game world will be huge. Expect to find a wide array of objectives and encounters hidden across the desert, from rival factions to roving monsters that can wreck your ship faster than you can say “full speed ahead.” There’s also a persistent element to the game, meaning that the choices you make have real consequences. Will you fine-tune your ship for battle or focus on scavenging for resources to keep it in working order?

Crafting & Customization

Speaking of your ship, DuneCrawl promises some serious customization options. As you gather materials and earn your keep, you’ll be able to upgrade your dune crawler with new weapons, defenses, and other enhancements. Think of it like customizing a pirate ship but with way more sand. Whether you want to be a lean, fast-moving scavenger or a fully armored juggernaut is up to you—but you can expect plenty of ways to tweak and personalize your ride.

What to Expect in Combat

The desert can be a brutal place, and combat is where you’ll feel the heat—literally. Your main ship’s cannons will be your go-to deefense against enemies, but as things heat up, you may have to jump into the fray yourself. The game features both ranged and melee combat, giving you options depending on the situation. Whether you’re blasting enemy ships with well-timed cannon shots or engaging in hand-to-hand battles with rival privateers, combat in DuneCrawl promises to be fast-paced and tactical.

Final Thoughts

Look, if you’re into open-world co-op games, DuneCrawl is something to mark on your calendar. Alientrap has a great track record when it comes to creating exciting, layered worlds, and we’re pumped to see what they deliver with this one. Managing your ship, exploring ruins, and fending off enemies while working as a team sounds like a recipe for some wild multiplayer moments. Plus, the mix of scavenging for loot and upgrading your crawler adds a delicious layer of strategy that could keep players hooked for hours.

So, gather your crew and prepare for some intense desert action when DuneCrawl arrives on Steam in 2025. Wishlist on Steam: DuneCrawl on Steam (

Tips for New Players:

  • Communication is Key: Make sure your team is constantly in sync, especially if you’re multitasking on the crawler. One bad call can leave you stranded or blown to bits.
  • Stock Up on Resources Early: Before venturing into more dangerous areas, make sure you have enough resources for repairs—there’s nothing worse than being stranded in the middle of nowhere without the supplies you need.
  • Balance Upgrades: While powerful cannons sound tempting, don’t neglect your crawler’s speed and defense upgrades. Running out of options in a fight is never fun!

Got your eye on DuneCrawl? Let us know how you plan to tackle the desert!

Anika Sørensen, hailing from Copenhagen, Denmark, has established herself as a prominent video game journalist over the past twelve years. Specializing in Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) and Role-Playing Games (RPGs), Sørensen is celebrated for her insightful analyses and passionate coverage of the gaming industry. Beyond writing, Anika is an active member of the gaming community, attending major events like E3 and Gamescom to provide live coverage and exclusive insights. Her dedication to fostering a deeper understanding of video games has inspired countless gamers and aspiring journalists alike. Currently, Sørensen is working as Gaming Tier List's chief news editor.