Starfield is an up-and-coming game that’s really releasing, unlike Star Citizen, except that like Star Citizen it seems the game may only be ethereal: the physical edition will follow games like Fallout 76 and not offer a physical disc. Something fun to mention about Fallout 76 is that I got burned hard, I paid more for a physical copy only to get a code in a disc box that, may I add, was made of the absolute flimsiest plastic. Boo on you Todd Howard.
This story starts with a tweet on June 25th 2023 where Bethseda said that the game would include only a code in the box. Following that, they immediately deleted the tweet. Screenshot below:

The tweet is now missing. No word yet from Bethesda on whether Starfield will include a physical edition or not. It’s quite clear though that if they don’t include physical media then they should just not waste the plastic. Even if it’s probably the cheapest thinnest plastic, they should either sell those code cards like Nintendo and Blizzard and almost every other code-based game does OR add the disc. I don’t have a disc PS5 for no reason.
Reactions on social media are mixed. Fans obviously don’t want more waste and to pay shipping to get what could be handed to them instantly. The tweet being deleted means they may reverse their decision or they could just be taking a moment to see what reactions are.
My opinion? Do one or the other. Code only or give a disc. No in-between.