There’s over 100 Pals in Palworld and we’ve taken the time to catch them all, test them in combat and decide which (with our community) are the top tier performers and which you should put to work. We break down our tier list into tiers and locations. Making it easy to find the Pals you need. We’ve ranked all 120+ in both their tier and then their location. You’ll find them in the sortable and searchable table below, that way you can find the best Pals per area (search by area), search for your favorite Pal to see where they rank and you can search for numbers to help find where missing Pals are to go catch them. Then go out and catch them all! We hope our Palworld Pal Tier list helps you greatly in your adventure! We’ve optimized it to be your one stop shop to find everything…
If your world in LEGO Fortnite has had its spawn moved, there is currently nothing you can do to fix it within your world. Most guides will tell you to make a new world and give keys out and that’s very much true. You can just make a new world and that solves the glitch, but it also doesn’t mean it won’t come back or that EPIC won’t patch your world. There are a few ways to make the issue a bit easier. I’d only suggest the following if you’ve at least got a few hours into your world. Otherwise, it might be more fun to just restart. If you have aerial vehicles, it may be easier to just use those to retrieve your friends. Reach Far Out Friends The first question is what biome(s) are between you and your friends. Hot like the Desert and cold like the Frostlands…
Arcade Paradise is a brilliant subversive story of growing, nostalgia, chores and arcade games. A game, somehow, that starts mostly with you doing laundry was more profound than many of the recent visual novels I’ve watched. The game is slow to start, with the primary focus on earning money and casually playing what’s available. Yet, as the game continues and more features unlock, it becomes something much more. The basic premise is that you’re working at your dad’s laundromat. You clean, handle the drop-off laundry and collect cash from the coin exchanger. In the back is an arcade, where you can also collect the cash from the coin hopper. The first haul is huge, leading to an adventure to build an arcade in the rear of the laundromat against the dad’s wishes. The game’s subversion, I’ll explain later, but first let me talk about the authenticity of the nostalgia. If…
This is a tier list to gearing up of sorts. We’ve got the best armor sets listed out and how to get each from starting (Moonward) to the current endgame gear set. If you’re looking to get max level fast, check out our leveling guide. Gear while you’re leveling up is based on what you get from the MSQs and duty drops. Max level is going to require roulettes and dungeons. Let’s dig into it! Gearing Up Fast The Moonward gear set (item level 570) is the easiest to obtain using Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism, earned through roulettes and level 90 dungeons. Moonward fills gear gaps while working towards higher item levels. Clearing normal Pandaemonium Asphodelos raids gives Unsung Relics to trade for Limbo gear (item level 580). Repeatedly clearing Zodiark Extreme earns Astral Totems to buy Eternal Dark accessories (item level 580). Clearing Hydaelyn Extreme earns Umbral Totems to…
Master the Challenges of Billie Bust Up: Pre-Alpha and Patreon Alpha Demos | Tips and Strategies for Fantoccio and Barnaby Boss Fights
You should play Mondealy if you have the chance to. That’s our review. If you want to know why we say that, read on, but ultimately, we’re going to tell you to play Mondealy. If you don’t like visual novels, that’s fine. If you don’t like pixel art, that’s fine. If you don’t like indie games, that’s fine. Go play it. That’s as high of an honor as a game can get from us and we’ll gladly hand it to this year’s best visual novel adventure game. Mondealy is a journey of friendship in a weird world that exists slightly below our own. The best way to describe is what happens in Undertale if the barrier went down but no one left and classism is at the top of the discussion list. Modern culture weaves through with love and affection as Michael journeys through a world that evokes both nostalgia…
Everspace 2 is a beautifully crafted massive open world first person space shooter action RPG with tight controls and a lot of fast paced action. ROCKFISH Games, a small independent studio, have overdelivered in their sequel to Everspace. This time, instead of being a roguelike, the game follows more along an ARPG path where you’re exploring a vast open world with easily 50+ hours of content. It is easily worth the price of admission at full price but let’s dig a bit deeper into that. To be perfectly clear – Everspace 2 is not a roguelike unlike Everspace, although Everspace 2 is much more like an ARPG, i.e., Diablo in space with an open world like Freelancer. So Much Good Content Everspace 2 has so many areas to visit that it can be overwhelming and all of them have different aesthetics and vibes. That’s important that the content is good,…
Truth is what we’re best known for and I’d like to start this off with an honest one: Testament: The Order of High Human is expected to be perfect and is not. It is a beautiful, gorgeous game with deep lore and very fun puzzles with some decent combat. It has an old school scrappy developer vibe to it that makes a lot of old games endearing with graphics that appeal to the modern eyes. We don’t use numerical rankings because it’s sitting on 6/10 on Steam right now and is at “All Reviews: Mixed” on a sample size of roughly ~20. I don’t think games that have the artistic depth that Testament does deserve to be put on a numerical scale where anything below 8 is a waste of your money. There’s an audience out there for Testament who love this style of game and when it comes to…
Money talks and in Dave the Diver it might literally walk in this mash-up of every kind of adventure and action mechanic thrown into one. Dave the Diver is so much fun, but you’ll need to do a lot of grinding across everything from a Farmville-esq farm to your own hatchery. To fuel it all you’ll need gold above the surface and Bei below the surface. This guide may contain mild spoilers on later game mechanics. Farming Gold in Dave the Diver Gold is obtained through three methods: sushi sales, quests and selling fish and items. The first is going to be your biggest revenue driver and fund your expeditions the most. The second, questing, is going to help get you to the next quest a bit faster and get you some much needed upgrades. The last is reserved for the lower tier fish and any items that are meant…
Dave the Diver does an exceptional job of telling you where to go and when. The main story is full of breadcrumbs, UI elements, guiding arrows and landmarks to help you navigate the Blue Hole. There are some elements that might have you scratching your head. Without spoiling the story, we’ve put together how to get through the main quest-line along with a lot of tips, hints and tricks to make it in the Blue Hole. Getting Through the Main Story Most of the main story will directly tell you where to go and how to do it. There are a few places you might get stuck: Chapter Walkthroughs Dave the Diver is a chill game. Your missions and to-dos are in the “To Do” app on your phone. The game is very explicit on where to go. For points of reference, the ship wreck is different than the cargo…