


If you’ve been around the video game block long enough you know that video games can be terrifying, the ways that developers push the bounds with horror games these day can be amazing, but the important word there is CAN. For every Bioshock there is a thousand garbage Five Nights at Freddie’s ripoffs that just throw a slightly creepy visual at you with some loud noise and quick movement and they expect you to be scared every time the same animation happens. Boring, boring, boring. Sure it catches you off guard the first couple of times but after that it just kinda wears you down and you miss the good ol’ days of Silent Hill 2 or Resident Evil, but every once in a while there comes a game that manages to do something special. This list is celebrating the games that can provide that creepy, eerie feeling that horror…

This is satire / sarcasm. If this reads too real for you, then uh, lol. Christ Roberts has announced that CIG and Star Citizen have reorganized into a non-profit, to assist him in purchasing big ticket items with the everlasting donations to his glorious ideas. Throwing away the tired and used veil of creating a game, which years upon years has yet to deliver anything but a barely working alpha, Christ Roberts has concluded that his game is more of a spiritual work than a physical one and the game will therefore launch in the afterlife. The ships you receive will be based on your good deeds in this world. For instance, if you tithe 10% of your income and give at every donation drive, you will likely get a mid-tier ship in the afterlife like most of your other Star Citizens. Failure to donate, but tithing will grant you…

“Do you guys not have phones?” A phrase that will live in infamy as the moment where people of the what I would define as more “hardcore” gaming audience realized that mobile games had worked their way into even the most “sacred” of gaming franchises. Mortal Kombat has one, Diablo is getting one and now the much-loved Alien: Isolation is getting a mobile sequel. But that is old news now and acts more as inspiration and example then the breaking of a story, so this one’s for you Alien: Blackout. What I am trying to say here is that there are basically two things that are examined when a game is put into development and that is money and popularity. The gaming community is at a crossroads where those two things are starting to butt heads which is ultimately hurting the people caught in the crossfire. No one can deny…