


Choosing a class can be difficult and leads often to alts because the grind after level twenty becomes rather severe. First you’re going to have to deal with the fact that most classes just suck at solo grinding. Mages have to sit after one or two enemies and drink. Warlocks take awhile to get enough skills and health and gear to be able to pull non-stop and need the Voidwalker pet to really get going. Rogues are a dime a dozen and Warriors are powerhouses at level 60. So we’re going to go through the different classes and why you’d play them and the pitfalls of early game and late game. This guide assumes you know the basics of what the classes are and we are going to keep it brief to help you decide, but not make the decision for you. Truly you should play what you have the…

World of Warcraft Classic brings us back to an interesting time in WoW’s history, when not all classes were nearly as equal as they are today. To start with, for instance, respecing is very expensive and all gear goes towards one spec for most classes so a Protection Warrior would have full defense gear which wouldn’t work for an Arms Warrior. This list is broken into classes (with specs) to avoid, the best classes to play and the most fun which is a bit different than best. Since it takes so long to level a character, remember, it’s about what you have fun playing more than it is which one is the absolute best. This list also takes into consideration future patches and plans based on the entire vanilla WoW experience, instead of just at launch. Class Specializations to Avoid These classes are just absolutely awful and you should never…

Baptiste has a lot to set him apart from the other support heroes of Overwatch, and with a high learning curve, he can be a bit difficult to pick up. If you struggle at first, don’t feel bad. Baptiste is new to everyone, and we’re all learning. With that said, let’s go over the latest hero’s abilities and quirks, and discuss what you can do to give yourself a competitive edge. Baptiste Hero Overview Baptiste is a support hero unlike any other. His main weapon, the Biotic Launcher, is a three-round burst hitscan rifle (primary fire) that doubles as a healing grenade launcher (alternate fire). His three-round burst is most effective at short to medium range, while his healing grenades can be lobbed quite a distance away to help teammates in need. Baptiste’s first ability is Regenerative Burst, which immediately begins healing himself and nearby allies over a short time.…