


We rank all champions for League of Legends: Wild Rift into two tier lists. First is the best champions in the game, period and the second is the best champion for the five main roles: top, bottom (ADC), middle, support and jungle. In coming up with our tier list, we weigh the common player solo queuing over group play. We also focus our S tier on the best hero to pick, regardless of other choices, based on the current meta to make it easy to know which character you can choose and know you’ll do a great job in that role with its specific tool kit. At the end of the tier list we have the best devices to play LoL: Wild Rift on. These are going to likely be what you expect: the flagships for the top mobile brands Apple and Samsung, but we have some tips for some…

If you’re looking to play some of the more competitive online games on your phone or tablet you’re going to want to know what the best equipment is. In the below tier list we break things down into the best overall phone / tablets and then the best budget (inexpensive) phones and tablets for gaming. There’s a lot in the market in regards to budget phones so something you will want to avoid is a lot of phones that look too good to be true. Generally in the $50 to $100 category, these phones will do email and phone calls generally alright. Their speakerphones are often terrible and running games will be kind of hard unless they’re extremely simple (like Angry Birds simple). The Best Apple Gaming Phone This answer is right now and has been for the general history of the iPhone: the flagship iPhone. The current flagship is…

I’m serious, the title says it all. Trying to come up with a gift for the holidays? Extra storage. Google One is an example, anyone who made a Gmail account in the early 2000s is likely running out of storage and a year ($20) is a massive boon for those who are having to debate deleting virtual history in exchange to continue receiving email. It also helps with any Android user, who then has a massive extra amount of space to back their phone up and other helpful things, like the ability to call Google for technical support. You can even share a family plan, which is another great way to help. Both Google and Apple allow that. There is Apple storage, it’s about the same dollarish a month. You save more buying a whole year and gifting storage is simple: Go into the Apple Store, choose what you want…

Right now I have too many games to play. Here is a list of what I’m trying to actively work through: Apple Arcade games. I’m trying to play them, but I’m so overwhelmed by other games that when I sit down with my Apple TV or my iPhone I’m just thinking I could be playing something else.Luigi’s Mansion 3: The game is wonderful in small bite sized chunks, however, I’m trying to beat it and it does take time.Tales of Vesperia on the PS4: I am almost to the final boss, but so many other games have came out I have to put it on the backburner.Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC: It’s finally on PC and I want to play online with friends, but I’m trying to get through Luigi’s Mansion 2.Pokemon Sword & Shield: As of writing this, the new Pokemon is almost out and I feel like…

Over the Alps is a really unique adventure game that’s a mix of the Grand Budapest Hotel, every spy movie ever made and a choose your own adventure with some serious consequences to your actions. It’s broken into four acts and each act can take up to an hour with your various choices that play out through choosing postage stamps for post cards not so much changing the location but the general story and how characters interact with each other. In many ways, it works like this, you have a set path that you move through the game and a general flow for how the story will play out, however, the details of how what when and where play out throughout the game. In this review I will not talk about any details of the game, they must be absolutely enjoyed. However, the below animated GIF is how the game…