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Reinhardt is at the top of Overwatch’s meta right now. Here’s how to master him.
From Lair of the Shadow Broker to cosmetic horse armor, there has been varying degrees of quality when it comes to DLC but is it all just too much? Now don’t get me wrong I have absolutely L O V E D some DLC, the aforementioned Lair of the Shadow Broker, RDR Undead Nightmare, and Blood and Wine from Witcher 3 to name a few but I am also just getting worn out with DLC. For every Ballad of Gay Tony, there is a thousand garbage, poorly thought out, overly expensive, could have been in the game from the start pieces of trash that populate our online gaming stores., and it just wears you down after a while. Even some great DLC can still be damaging to the gaming community as a whole, like the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11, the game has already announced six whole DLC fighters to be…
Ah, yes: that classic moment in games when you have to make that first important decision for your character, affecting how you’re going to play the game from there. Decisions can be stressful if you’re not sure which way to go — we’ve all had that existential crisis choosing between two flavors of ice cream (what, you haven’t? No, you have, everyone has. Me having a personal crisis over ice cream is normal, okay?). In Bioware’s Anthem, the first important choice you have to make is which Javelin you will choose to play as. Don’t worry — you’ll be able to suit up and play as all the Javelins by the time you reach the end of the game. But once you choose your first one, you’re going to be locked into it for a fair bit of time as you progress, so you’ll want to make the choice that’s…
Following a video from YouTuber TheQuartering — who noted the game’s low availability on Amazon as one of many reasons for Fallout 76’s potential move to free-to-play — the rumor of the game’s shift to being a free service sky rocketed. However, it would appear that there is no reason to get excited quite yet. Fallout 76 is the latest in Bethesda’s highly popular Fallout series. While Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 have been met largely with high praise, Fallout 76 has met negative critical reception. The game currently holds a Metacritic score of 52 for its PC version. None the less, news of the game’s potential shift to free-to-play snared the attention of many longtime Fallout fans. A fan would go on to ask Bethesda if there is any truth to the rising rumor. Bethesda however has since categorically denied any intention to take Fallout 76 to a free-to-play…