
Europa: A New Action-Adventure with Heart and Atmosphere Lands on PC and Switch

Ready for a chill gaming experience? Europa is a peaceful action-adventure now on PC and Switch, perfect for those who…

2 months ago

10 Indie Games with Mind-Blowing Soundtracks

Soundtracks significantly contribute to the immersive experiences indie games provide. This post highlights 10 indie games with exceptional scores, from…

10 months ago

The Rise, Fall and Future of Lore: Why Recent Indie Games Failed and How to Fix Them

Lore and worldbuilding have the power to ignite passion in players and fuel an immersive experience. At their best, lore-driven…

2 years ago

FAITH: Chapter I, II, III Story & Endings Explained

FAITH is a homage to retro gaming and The Exorcist with a deep story, diverse gameplay, and rich lore. The…

2 years ago

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