Hi-Rez Studios is removing the mantel of being a game studio and undergoing a transformative business process, to say the least. The community is biting its nails about what this means for the games they love dearly, but the people who are being put in charge know what they’re doing. Let’s break down the announcement and I’ll share some of my expert thoughts on the recent changes. The announcement was posted to LinkedIn. Hi-Rez Studios to Become Hi-Rez Ventures This is just a means of branding themselves away from developing games and being a multi-channel organization that supports games and funds the development of games as well. The branding around “Hi-Rez” as the prominent owner of any particular game will likely disappear in the near future as “Hi-Rez” becomes a “parent company.” The subsidiaries have already existed as modulars within Hi-Rez, but this reorganizes them into clearly defined self-contained entities.…
Starfield is an up-and-coming game that’s really releasing, unlike Star Citizen, except that like Star Citizen it seems the game may only be ethereal: the physical edition will follow games like Fallout 76 and not offer a physical disc. Something fun to mention about Fallout 76 is that I got burned hard, I paid more for a physical copy only to get a code in a disc box that, may I add, was made of the absolute flimsiest plastic. Boo on you Todd Howard. This story starts with a tweet on June 25th 2023 where Bethseda said that the game would include only a code in the box. Following that, they immediately deleted the tweet. Screenshot below: The tweet is now missing. No word yet from Bethesda on whether Starfield will include a physical edition or not. It’s quite clear though that if they don’t include physical media then they…
Rifts are a progression mechanic in Legends of IdleOn: The Idle Game MMO that provides intense bonuses and encourages the battle progression of multiple characters. It’s a somewhat always there location to return to no matter how far your progression in the game is and allows for exponential bonuses to existing mechanics. The very first bonus, auto traps, for instance removes the need to manually check your traps. To unlock the Rift you’ll need to get to World 4. Specifically, you’re looking for the Octodar map (The Untraveled Octopath), labeled with the NPC “Rift Ripper.” Before you continue, you’ll want to note that while the first quest is doable by anyone, the rift itself is best suited for Mages who can respawn enemies, like the Bubo. You’ll run into some rifts that a Mage won’t work on, but all in and all a Mage will do best in the rift.…
SIGNALIS is sort of an enigma of a game. It’s a great recapture of the feeling of the “5th generation” era of gaming and is actually a lot of fun. While its considered a survival-horror game, its more akin to an action-stealth game like Metal Gear Solid and less like Resident Evil per se. However, it has a very interesting, wild and convoluted story that needs a bit of explanation. Another thing to note is a three person team worked on this game. I touch a bit on this in my article about meetings at video game studios, but a lot of the game is clearly intentional from a development standpoint. Which is why SIGNALIS feels so buttoned up. SIGNALIS Is an Analog Horror Simulator That’s it, that’s as simple as it is. Everything in the game is built around a dream like experience of that 5th generation era of…
Over the years automation has taken a powerful hold on online social commentary and allows fraudsters to launch their attacks and scams at scales never seen before. While you’re online, you’re going to want to think of your personal and financial safety when you engage in any monetary transaction. The thing is, it’s very easy to blur the lines between what’s a monetary transaction online and what’s a simple click of a button. Fraudsters use this and launch complicated attacks via bots and other methods to target online users in a variety of categories. Scammers are going try everything they can to separate you from your possessions (virtual and real). Today we’re going to delve into the nuances of scams in the world of video games and MMOs, however the best place to start with the topic is the US Government’s “How to Avoid a Scam” article produced by the…
Grinding items in Legends of Idleon can be painful and Lava, the developer, has designed it to have a considerable amount of push and take. When you afk at any location or actively farm there, you obtain drops from monsters. In World 1 & World 2, these drops have to be farmed manually. Starting in World 3, with the 3D printer you can automatically print resources by using the sampling skill. No tutorial is needed, the starting questline in W3 gives you the sampling skill and asks you to sample two things. You can then go to the 3D printer (once unlocked via construction) and then assign each character to print up to two items. All of the gem purchases for the printer are amazing. There is no class for sampling, although check out our class tier list to figure out which class order to go in. Print Cycles The…
Killroy’s Slaughterhouse is a feature in world 2 of Legends of Idleon. It’s a feature that provides class locked rooms that allow you to farm a seemingly unlimited wave of enemies in exchange for skulls, which can be spent inside of the skull shop. Killroy Basics You can find Killroy in World 2, left of the chest. Killroy is on a stack of skulls to the left of the alchemy pot. What Does “Enter Fight” Do and When Does it Reset? Enter Fight allows you to enter the fight where you can farm skulls. It’ll show you the class, seen below: As you can see here, it’s locked to the Archer class. The room reset timer is displayed below. Each week a different class and enemy is chosen. In this instance, it’s the wood boards. You can get up to two rooms per week. Killroy’s Shop The following items are…
Dive into the intricate world of Inscryption, unraveling its complex story and in-game secrets without spoiling the ongoing ARG elements.
Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. of Japan is one of my favorite companies out there. Their North American division is known as NIS America, Inc. or NISA. Their online store is the primary source of NIS games and it’s located here. There’s actually a lot to the store you should know and we’re going to dive into it. NIS America, Inc. Games – What style are they? So what do they sale? They’re best known for the Disgaea franchise. They’re also known for some weirder titles, isometric RPGs and visual novel style games. They also publish games for other developers as well. Some of the more recently known releases would include Crystar, MONARK, Blue Reflection: Second Light, etc. They’ve published games for Atlus and Spike Chunsoft. Fans of their most popular series will know the site well as it’s the absolute best place to secure a copy of a NIS game.…
In a world full of supply constraints, a specific electronics retailer has turned to an old school marketing practice to woo in new customers. Car dealerships used to offer free home gadgets in exchange for a test drive. Banks, if you opened a new account, would give you a toaster or other home gadget as well. It seems this trend is coming back in style. Micro Center is currently running a promotion where you can receive a free 240GB Inland SSD if you’re a new customer and willing to give them your email address and phone number (and if you don’t want them having it, willing to give it to them then unsubscribe after you snag your deal). While not specifically a toaster, it is an absolute total freebie if you just signup for their marketing messages. There’s a catch though… The Catch to the Micro Center 225GB Free SSD…