


Killroy’s Slaughterhouse is a feature in world 2 of Legends of Idleon. It’s a feature that provides class locked rooms that allow you to farm a seemingly unlimited wave of enemies in exchange for skulls, which can be spent inside of the skull shop. Killroy Basics You can find Killroy in World 2, left of the chest. Killroy is on a stack of skulls to the left of the alchemy pot. What Does “Enter Fight” Do and When Does it Reset? Enter Fight allows you to enter the fight where you can farm skulls. It’ll show you the class, seen below: As you can see here, it’s locked to the Archer class. The room reset timer is displayed below. Each week a different class and enemy is chosen. In this instance, it’s the wood boards. You can get up to two rooms per week. Killroy’s Shop The following items are…

In a world full of supply constraints, a specific electronics retailer has turned to an old school marketing practice to woo in new customers. Car dealerships used to offer free home gadgets in exchange for a test drive. Banks, if you opened a new account, would give you a toaster or other home gadget as well. It seems this trend is coming back in style. Micro Center is currently running a promotion where you can receive a free 240GB Inland SSD if you’re a new customer and willing to give them your email address and phone number (and if you don’t want them having it, willing to give it to them then unsubscribe after you snag your deal). While not specifically a toaster, it is an absolute total freebie if you just signup for their marketing messages. There’s a catch though… The Catch to the Micro Center 225GB Free SSD…

So you’ve just started the new expansion (WoW: Shadowlands) and everyone else has months of Renown and you’ve just hit max level. Maybe you’ve taken a break for awhile and your friends haven’t caught up with you yet. It was super frustrating for me too, at the start of the expansion because it felt like I had to do everything to catch my renown up each week and it was pretty fatiguing. Except the good news is that you don’t have to do every renown quest every week if you don’t want to and if you start later in the expansion, you’ll still be able to farm your way to everyone’s current level. It’s very simple: How to Catch Up To catch your renown up just do anything in the game that rewards you something. Covenant Callings, Battlegrounds, Dungeons, world bosses (once per week), various weekly quests, etc. Most of…

If you want to play Outer Worlds, the new Fallout 3/4-like game by Obsidian, you have a few options. It’s on the PS4, Xbox and on PC via the Epic Games Store. However, instead of buying it full price, you can actually play it (at least for the first month for $1) and not even have to have the Epic Store installed. This “trick” isn’t a trick at all and is an intended play path by the developers. You can get the trial for Xbox Game Pass and install the PC version off of Microsoft’s website (no links – trust no links to it, go to Microsoft yourself to avoid malware). In the games included with the game pass is not only Outer Worlds but other awesome titles like the Gears of War series and Metro. That’s it, all there is to it. Now, you can also buy the game…

No Man’s Sky Beyond is out now, allowing Virtual Reality players to fully enjoy the game. With that in mind, the VR community is now working hard to catch up with the rest of the No Man’s Sky crowd. Luckily, there are a lot of nifty ways you can quickly build your proverbial empire if you are new to the game. Check out the tips below for a quick breakdown of how you can quickly make money in No Man’s Sky VR. Trade Chlorine One of the most profitable substances in No Man’s Sky is chlorine. If you want to become a wealthy benefactor of the galaxy, then you are going to need to learn how to obtain it and sell it. When it comes to farming chlorine, the name of the game is to always keep an eye out for organic rocks, submerged relics and floating crystals. Organic rocks…