


You know you have made it big when a phrase is more associated with your game than the actual meaning and Rockstar has done just that with their infamous game franchise “Grand Theft Auto”, even if the franchise wallowed in obscurity for the first two titles. The franchise exploded with the release of the third installment of the franchise and launched an entire generation of moms that condemn video games as a whole based simply on one experience of accidentally buying the game for their under aged child. Now it may seem like that really has no relevance to what the title of this leads you to believe but in fact, it has EVERYTHING to do with it. But I suppose I should take a step back and bring this full circle. Rockstar has been sued more times than you could count on two hands whether it’s protecting their IP,…

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is without a doubt one of the best games I have played in years. With so much to do and explore, I found myself lost in the world of Hyrule once again. Breath of the Wild brings a fresh view to the way a Zelda game is played. Your options are limitless. You can do anything you want. Ordinarily, Zelda games in the past had a certain formula. You have to defeat a couple of temples, where you usually find an item that helps you to navigate the temple and defeat the final boss. You then get the Master Sword, defeat a few more temples, and then you fight Ganon or the main boss. It is all a linear story. From the beginning of Breath of the Wild, you get the sense that this is no ordinary Zelda game. You realize the…

A few days ago, it was announced that the new Uncharted movie found itself a new director. At the helm of the project will be Dan Trachtenberg, most well known for directing 10 Cloverfield Lane and the well-received Netflix drama Black Mirror. This Uncharted movie has been in development for over a decade, with several high-key names attached, only to fall apart like dust in the wind. There have been several high-profile names set to don the role of the treasure hunting Nathan Drake, including Mark Wahlberg and Chris Pratt, both of whom probably could have done the role a solid service. However, I find myself asking why Nathan Fillion’s name has never been brought up in conversation about playing the rugged hero. First off, he looks exactly like Nathan Drake and has played similar characters in the past. Secondly, he has expressed the desire to play the character! In…

We get caught up playing games to finish them or achieve something or score some victory or some win. Some amount of points, some kind of achievements; these are things that we crave in order to drive us to play games but really, the journey to do these things are so important. I’ve been playing Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and I noticed something. Moving between objectives was far more fun than actually completing them. Seeing the world, listening to the sea, watching the ships move in the distance while mountains lumbered over the horizon; the views in the game are beyond gorgeous. The combat, while enthralling and the story, while good creates a world that really makes your time in it exciting and fun. In games we often think about the goals, often listed directly on the screen and of little more. Games like Shadow of the Colossus really brought the…

Data miners have ripped out Imperius’ (no one has has the plural figured out yet) voice lines and they’re awesome. You can listen to them over at the Heroes of the Storm Wiki, but they really shine. Heroes of the Storm is one of the few outlets we get to dive deeper into some of the character’s personal stories and with Imperius we get a lot. His disdain for mortals and the Nephalem (Diablo III’s player character) is well observed. One thing that gets me is he says “Your kind are an abomination!” to Diablo II player character heroes (like Xul). This is interesting to me because we know that Diablo I’s player characters were basically villains in Diablo II (Blood Raven, The Summoner and Spoiler: Diablo). They weren’t assigned on any special quest or notable outside of the fact the three of them went and slayed Diablo. In Diablo…

The Trapped Mind Project: Emerilla Book 1 explores a world in which MMORPGs and reality mix in a spectacular journey of Dave, a half-dwarf and the virtual reality game Emerilla. It all starts with Austin Zane, an billionaire who made his fortune by running RB Corp, a space mining company that provides metals to earth. Responsibility overtook his free time and left him with no personal life. His private life was non-existent because of who he was and everyone wanting just a bit more of him for their own personal games. Hearing of a new virtual reality immersive simulator called Emerilla offering an escape from the woes of his life, he leaves the company and his life for a virtual escape. That’s when the story takes a dive in the reverse, when he begins questioning what is real and what isn’t as the lines between which world is a simulation…

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak was recently on the Steam Winter Sale so I finally picked it up, several years after release, because I noticed many top RTS articles had it prominently featured and I absolutely loved the Homeworld series. Deserts of Kharak was an interesting experience because it removed the Z axis from the original Homeworld series and placed the game flat on the ground, but kept the generally same gameplay. If you’ve played Homeworld before, then I’d say get it when it’s on sale or even when it’s not, because it’s more of the same but different enough that you’re not drowning in a formulaic experience. Persistence exists, so resources gathered are kept map to map along with units and their promotions. Units have an almost Atlus / Shin Megami Tensei vibe to how they play against each other’s weakness. Armored vehicles take strike vehicles out, but strike vehicles…