Ahoy, racers! Faaast Penguin’s Season 3 drops January 23rd with pirate-themed chaos, new tracks, wild mechanics, and treasure-packed thrills! 🏴☠️
Struggling to survive in *Witchfire*? Check out these 10 must-know tips to boost your gear, manage stats, and master arcana combos for smoother runs!
Arcadegeddon is a colorful mashup of arcade nostalgia and roguelike action that mostly succeeds thanks to its vibrant style, frantic gameplay, and reverence for gaming’s past. Arcadegeddon is effectively if you took Risk of Rain 2 and removed the sadder overtones and replaced them with a Saturday morning cartoon gamer vibe aesthetic. The music is absolutely worth the price of admission alone. We recommend this game, if you’re wondering why read on below. You play alongside Gilly, a likeable underdog trying to save his retro arcade from being bulldozed by the evil Fun Fun Co corporation. To drum up interest and funds, Gilly cleverly hacks together the greatest hits of arcade gaming into one super game called Arcadegeddon. However, Fun Fun Co retaliates by injecting a virus that corrupts the creation. Now it’s up to you and friends to dive in and exterminate the bugs overrunning Gilly’s digital dream. The…
For those in our Discord, we have a community Minecraft server that is available for everyone to play on. I recently noticed when I was near my redstone builds and players were all in different areas of the game that the server became a bit laggy, even though the server specifications are well above what is required for a lag free experience. I went online to try and find some optimization guides but it seems that a lot of them were dated. Paper is already highly optimized, but there’s actually a few settings you need to change to make Paper run really well for you. The Critical Optimizations for Paper The first one is going to be going to your paper-world-defaults.yml and going to find: you’ll want to change that to: There’s another engine you can use called eigencraft. You can use that as well. Looking at the two, alternate-current…
On June 17th Legends of IdleOn received the companion update which brought the new companion shop. The companion shop has a gacha like system where you pay real world cash and receive a random pet, with one of the pets being “Doot” which grants a considerable advantage that allows you to have all of your divinities from World 5 as active. This is a very strong bonus in the game. Some Quick Math If we assume the average cost of a single Doot is: Taking into account basic probability and the geometric distribution, with a .28% original drop rate and after 5,660 gems reaching tier 3 and having a x3 drop rate, we figure it would be about 176.05 chests to get a Doot. Gambling in an Idle MMO So that’s a lot of money for a big advantage in an idle game and quite weird that such a strong…
Valheim is an amazing viking journey through a hostile world made so much better with friends. One of the beautiful things about Valheim is that single player can become multiplayer at anytime by inviting other players into your world and vice-verse. This of course requires your computer to be on and you to be playing, but what about when everyone wants to build cooperatively but not have the host on? Then it’s time for a dedicated server. You could rent a dedicated server for a myriad of hosts. It’s simple and some even let you host mods. If you do that you’re basically done; rent the server, follow the server hosts guide and voila. Yet you’re now stuck paying for a server that you could play this month or you could not and often times these hosts can have data export restrictions making your game world… their game world. So…
Rifts are a progression mechanic in Legends of IdleOn: The Idle Game MMO that provides intense bonuses and encourages the battle progression of multiple characters. It’s a somewhat always there location to return to no matter how far your progression in the game is and allows for exponential bonuses to existing mechanics. The very first bonus, auto traps, for instance removes the need to manually check your traps. To unlock the Rift you’ll need to get to World 4. Specifically, you’re looking for the Octodar map (The Untraveled Octopath), labeled with the NPC “Rift Ripper.” Before you continue, you’ll want to note that while the first quest is doable by anyone, the rift itself is best suited for Mages who can respawn enemies, like the Bubo. You’ll run into some rifts that a Mage won’t work on, but all in and all a Mage will do best in the rift.…
Sailing is a World 5 skill in Legends of Idleon that allows players to send captains out of voyages in the high seas to return with treasure and rarer treasure: ancient artifacts. Sailing, the Slab and Gaming from World 5 should all be high priorities. There is no multiplayer component to sailing. Sailing is a fully single player activity. You can expect to setup sailing once per day and not have to touch it again until another day (or several hours at a minimum). Sailing is a slow advancing skill that requires no characters to be active on it and any change impacts all characters on the account. No specific character has any specific roll. Obtaining Captains in Idleon There’s five tiers of captains, six if you count the base tier. The base tier is a simple sprite with a red cap. Tier 2 is pink with a black cap.…
Gems are a premium currency in Legends of Idleon and are obtained both with real world cash and freely in the game. While the easiest way to obtain gems is to buy them directly and conversely, the cheapest way is through a bundle when offered. Yet that doesn’t mean you can’t get a fair amount for free in the game. Let’s go over the daily stops you’re going to want to hit to farm gems. Below are the reasonable sources to farm gems from and how often they reset. If you have trouble with bosses, make sure you’re using the right class. Every Boss in the Game (Daily) All mini-bosses and bosses in the game drop gems (although you may need to unlock it for that world at the task board). This is the primary method of farming gems. For bosses, you’ll want to use the lowest level (1 key…
Five Nights at Freddy’s Security Breach is the first 3D action survival horror game in the FNAF series. You take on the role of Gregory who wakes up inside of Glamrock Freddy in a Pizzaplex that is in a state of chaos. We’ve compiled some tips below to help you survive the night along with how to obtain the game’s various endings. The biggest tip of all is to understand that the game is linear but not completely linear. Areas are gated past passes that are only given out at certain times and in certain areas. However, how you upgrade Freddy and how you proceed can be completely up to you. You can see your available missions anytime on the watch. Scott Cawthon retired which means that the series is moving on now with him taking a less hands on approach. However, it’s very clear in Security Breach that Steel…