Palia’s Autumn Awakening update is here! New quests, cozy outfits, and the return of the Maji Market make this season a must-play for Palia fans.
Adore’s combat is groundbreaking, intuitive and different from creature summoning games that have been needed for a long time. The latest update and full release have shown a polished strategic pet summoning game that has ARPG elements, rogue-like elements and something different than turn-based pet combat. If you’re big into pet games, you shouldn’t take my word for it and head on over to the Adore steam page to start checking the game out yourself – we recommend it. You summon a team of four creatures who fight for you. Your main character can’t actually engage in battle directly, only dodge and you don’t have absolute control over your summons. You’ve got to involve a lot of strategy and tactics to get through combat and what appears to be simple gameplay unravels as you move deeper into the game. If you played the game early in early access, you will…
Everspace 2 is a beautifully crafted massive open world first person space shooter action RPG with tight controls and a lot of fast paced action. ROCKFISH Games, a small independent studio, have overdelivered in their sequel to Everspace. This time, instead of being a roguelike, the game follows more along an ARPG path where you’re exploring a vast open world with easily 50+ hours of content. It is easily worth the price of admission at full price but let’s dig a bit deeper into that. To be perfectly clear – Everspace 2 is not a roguelike unlike Everspace, although Everspace 2 is much more like an ARPG, i.e., Diablo in space with an open world like Freelancer. So Much Good Content Everspace 2 has so many areas to visit that it can be overwhelming and all of them have different aesthetics and vibes. That’s important that the content is good,…
There are two choices to get xp fast in Diablo 4 and it depends entirely on what you want to do. You can do the campaign which is a necessary and required component to playing your first character. At certain points in the story you may need to level up to continue or you may be ready to grind out your levels, either way we’ve got the best farm location and XP gaining tips. If you’ve already done the story you can skip the campaign again and just focus on leveling, meaning you need somewhere to farm without having to move around and do a lot. In this guide we’ll go over the important steps to optimize XP, but first let’s talk about getting that XP. After all you probably already know to turn it to world tier II from the start and play on the highest world tier. This…
Rifts are a progression mechanic in Legends of IdleOn: The Idle Game MMO that provides intense bonuses and encourages the battle progression of multiple characters. It’s a somewhat always there location to return to no matter how far your progression in the game is and allows for exponential bonuses to existing mechanics. The very first bonus, auto traps, for instance removes the need to manually check your traps. To unlock the Rift you’ll need to get to World 4. Specifically, you’re looking for the Octodar map (The Untraveled Octopath), labeled with the NPC “Rift Ripper.” Before you continue, you’ll want to note that while the first quest is doable by anyone, the rift itself is best suited for Mages who can respawn enemies, like the Bubo. You’ll run into some rifts that a Mage won’t work on, but all in and all a Mage will do best in the rift.…
There’s a few things that’s kind of hard to find in the world of video game collecting and one of them is hilariously enough storage solutions. It’s quite difficult to obtain some method to store and display physical games which is where Rose Colored Gaming’s “Köffin” comes in. A full acrylic shell to cover your game from all edges and protect it from the elements while allowing you to still see the full game inside. About RCC’s Koffin Coming in two variants, a base model at ~$20 USD and a UV protective model at ~$30. They are actually quite extremely expensive with the most sincere honesty here when it comes to game storage. The general plastic covers that you can buy in bulk come maybe a dollar a piece; if you buy from a game store sometimes they’ll charge you a few bucks each. These those come with a hefty…
Keeping track of your collection can be difficult so I wanted to keep an evergreen list of game collection apps to keep your games organized. I consider a lot when it comes to a game collection app. Does it have a mobile app? Is there barcode scanning? Does it take in the nuances of loose vs. cib vs. new? Can I add more metadata? If the answer is no to these questions, then I wouldn’t consider it a good application with the exception of Excel, which I will go into further detail below. All of the below apps are generally well supported by the community and mentioned frequently across multiple game collecting communities. The Absolute S Tier Game Collection App CLZ Games – PC, Android & iOS (Paid) Without a doubt, the best S Tier game collection app is CLZ Games. CLZ does more than games and charges a minor…
Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. of Japan is one of my favorite companies out there. Their North American division is known as NIS America, Inc. or NISA. Their online store is the primary source of NIS games and it’s located here. There’s actually a lot to the store you should know and we’re going to dive into it. NIS America, Inc. Games – What style are they? So what do they sale? They’re best known for the Disgaea franchise. They’re also known for some weirder titles, isometric RPGs and visual novel style games. They also publish games for other developers as well. Some of the more recently known releases would include Crystar, MONARK, Blue Reflection: Second Light, etc. They’ve published games for Atlus and Spike Chunsoft. Fans of their most popular series will know the site well as it’s the absolute best place to secure a copy of a NIS game.…
There’s a lot going on right now in the world of video cards, but one of the hard truths that we have to face as gamers is that the actual super truth is that we’re hitting a point where the fidelity of games isn’t utilizing the entire graphics card power and thus, we’re looking at suffering in the video card market for a myriad of reasons and how people game is entirely one of them. People are quick to say “supply shortages” and “silicon shortages” as the reason for video card stock shortages and to a degree, it’s the simple answer, but what if I told you GTX 680s being viable today is probably a lot more involved in why there isn’t a rush to solve a what is now over a year long shortage in video cards. The Bargain Bin’s the Reason The biggest reason behind the ongoing video…
We wanted to put together an all in one resource on how to go out and find your next game purchase at the lowest price, for PC & console. The below guide covers the best deal site aggregators which let you search across multiple vendors and we also cover the best cash back rewards programs that you can leverage without any kind of credit card signup or formal card cash back program. You’d be surprised, sometimes you can get 8% back on a $300 purchase, which is $24 extra dollars back for doing nothing. The reason why is that it’s just easy to buy the game directly off of Steam or your console’s storefront. You search for the title and pay whatever they’re asking for. The problem is that with just a little bit of effort, you can find the game likely way cheaper. Then, on top of that, with…