


Video game publishing titan Ubisoft recently released their latest edition to the Far Cry series. Working off of the success of the companion system within Far Cry 5, the recently released Far Cry New Dawn features a series of compatible player companions. This time, however, there are two characters in particular that have each stolen the hearts of gamers everywhere. Far Cry New Dawn was released worldwide Feb. 15, 2019. Set in the fictional realm of Hope County, Montana, the game takes place 17 years after the occurrences of Far Cry 5 and acts as a direct sequel to the previously released title. Far Cry New Dawn features a gun-for-hire and fangs-for-hire system, offering players the ability to have an NPC tag along with them on their adventures. Each NPC companion offers different advantages on the field of combat when implemented by the player, leaving a few tactical options of…

I want to start this article by stating what I mean by “First Impressions” and that means that the review is being made from the perspective of the first few hours of gameplay, are generally spoiler free, and should be recognized as early game reviews. I would also like to say that I am a pretty big Shonen Jump fan so this article may come across as a little bit biased, but I will try to be as objective as possible. With that out of the way, I have to say that Jump Force is a game all about fan service and relies more on nostalgia than deep, satisfying gameplay. While that may sound harsh it’s also the truth, the character roster is filled to the brim with beloved characters, stylish moves and finally settling the old debate of who would win between two of your favorite Jump characters, even…

Lawmakers have always been critical of video game culture. Now a Pennsylvania official is looking to implement a “sin tax” on certain video games. As reported by GameSpot, a bill has been proposed by Pennsylvania lawmakers to provide a 10% excise tax on certain games. Known as House Bill 109, the bill hopes to provide a “sin tax” on games rated M or Adults-Only by the ESRB. The taxed money would then be funneled into a “Digital Protection for School Safety Account.” The account is intended to enhance security measures at schools, following recent shootings. Republican state representative Chris Quinn proposed the bill back in 2018. However, the bill did not make it out of the committee during the 2018 legislation. Consequently, a similarly worded bill has since been proposed. Back in Sept., Quinn offered the following statement on the matter. “In the near future, I plan to introduce legislation…

One of the most underrated games I have played in recent history is Batman: The Telltale Series. I loved the idea of a choice-based adventure for a young, inexperienced Dark Knight, and I found myself lost in the world of Gotham in a different way than I ever had before. However, I have never met another person who has played this game, and it makes me think I may be the only one who got to enjoy this excellent series. As I mentioned earlier, the choice-based adventure concept was great for a Batman game. It was such a cool experience to be Bruce Wayne and make crucial choices and decisions that would hopefully be best for Gotham City. It made the player feel like they were Bruce Wayne himself and showed how tough it would be to be Wayne and make split-second, potentially life-altering decisions. There are also parts where you must…

A child sex sting operation finally reached its end this Super Bowl Sunday. Of the 21 men arrested, none other than Hi-Rez studios’ Thomas Cheung has been taken into custody. Thomas Cheung has previously worked for CCP Games on EVE Online and held contracts from popular game companies like NZXT who has released a statement saying they are not affiliated with him and they condemned this behavior and Steelseries, who has acknowledged he is no longer associated with the brand, but has yet to release any other statement. (Tweets below). This is a travesty for the gaming community, in which he had many hands in and wore many hats in the last few years for. While only currently a suspect, these allegations are very strong. (Editor’s Note) This hits really close to home, literally, being based out of Georgia. Dot Matrix Media, Game Truth’s parent company, absolutely condemns this behavior…

Being a big South Park fan, taking on the absurd world of South Park: The Stick of Truth was such a blast. It was without a doubt the funniest video game I have ever played. When I heard they were releasing a sequel cleverly titled The Fractured but Whole, I knew I had to get my hands on it at some point. It has taken me a long while to finally get around to it, but thanks to Redbox, I am finally back in the cartoon world of South Park, Colorado again. And boy is it sweet. This game picks up right where The Stick of Truth leaves off. The neighborhood kids are all busy playing as fantasy, Lord of the Rings style characters until they decide that’s lame and they decide that superheroes are the way to go instead. It is up to you to help out Cartman’s alter ego, The Coon, and his friends, who are dealing with a superhero…

Obsidian Entertainment has done it again. The company recently announced The Outer Worlds and garnered a hardcore following for their isometric RPG Pillars of Eternity has made another stellar gaming experience. This time, however, the company has managed to make it even better after launch. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is an isometric RPG dungeon crawler that was released for PC just last year and later released on consoles. The game was funded within just one day following the announcement of a crowdfunding campaign on Fig. Perhaps needless to say, Obsidian Entertainment put the money to good use. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire features a protagonist known as the “Watcher.” Gifted with supernatural powers, the watcher can read memories and see the souls of the dead among other abilities. After the awakening of a previously believed to be deceased god, the main character is contacted by another deity and tasked…

Assassin’s Creed has become a staple of modern gaming. The series has been around since way back in 2007. As with any franchise that has been around for 12 years, the game series has had its ups and downs. Now, however, it would seem the game is once again on the rise. Now 21 games strong, Assassin’s Creed has flooded the market with a bevy of amazing titles. That being said, not every Assassin’s Creed has been a smashing critical success. Ubisoft, parent company to the franchise, has a reputation for annually releasing sequel after sequel when it comes to their properties. Assassin’s Creed was certainly no different. First off, let’s take a quick look back at when it all started. Assassin’s Creed has become a staple of modern gaming. The series has been around since way back in 2007. As with any franchise that has been around for 12…

Everyone and their mom is playing and loving Kingdom Hearts 3, and as an avid KH fan, I personally love not only the hype but also the game itself! Sadly though this isn’t just another review of the game, it’s more of a deconstruction of the new parts than of the game as a whole. A look into what bits and pieces of other Square Enix titles made it into the new smash hit. Easily the biggest, most noticeable, and at the very least to me, most surprising is the cooking. Fairly early on in the story you make a stop at Twilight Town, a classic location that since its introduction in the second game has become a staple, appearing in almost every game after the fact. Long time fans fist noted two things, first all the people, a welcome introduction in many locations in the third game that makes…

Recently I heard of a story about Formula 1 Racing. There was some race between an accomplished F1 racer and an Esports racer on a real-life track. If I’m betting money on this race, I’m throwing it all on the tried and true driver, the one who has raced in the physical world. I would have lost all of my money. The Esports driver won, beating the actual driver with years of experience by 0.6 seconds – unbelievable. The training from his video game sim was so realistic; he was able to drive a real F1 car better than a serious competitor in the racing realm. How else can video games be used as training? This may sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but video games may be the key to the future. Think about how advanced video games have become. They may be able to help us in all sorts…