


Everything in this world has its particular lingo. In baseball there are phrases such as “this dude drops tanks” meaning he hits the crap out of the ball. There is specific legal jargon, such as the terms “de jure” and “de facto” which mean something. Gaming is no different. Gaming has its own lingo, and if you want to consider yourself a true gamer, you need to polish up on your vocabulary. Let’s start with some basics. While “GG” could mean a number of things in the real world, from “go girl!” to Charlie Brown’s catchphrase “good grief,” “GG” simply means good game. If you’ve had a hard fought multiplayer battle, you may want to message your opponent telling them it was a good game. This shows your respect for their gameplay and that you admire their skills. “FTW” is another basic term. It means “for the win”. It is…

Why? It’s a question that many gaming fans over the years have screamed in agony at every turn, and the newest target seems to be every time a new game gets announced and the main selling point is the Battle Royal experience. Why is there another one? Why would they waste their time in an already saturated market? Why did they think we need this? Why, why, why? Some say that it’s just because of the money, but I have a feeling that it’s a bit more complex than that. Before I dig too deep into that I want to make sure everyone is on the same page about what exactly makes a Battle Royal game. The term Battle Royal comes from the Japanese movie of the same name in which a group of high school students is placed on an island and forced to fight to the death, which…

Respawn Entertainment’s battle royal Apex Legends is taking the gaming community by storm. To many, it’s fun, fast paced and outrageously addictive. And, to the joy of players worldwide, it’s free. As Apex Legends gains global acclaim, players aim to enhance their combat skills. However, accumulating kill streaks and commanding victories rings hollow without a flair for style. This guide will detail how to employ the game’s captivating finishers to distinguish yourself from the rest. While you can simply clip your target with a few rounds, drop them by the wayside and then move along, there is a final step you can add to your winning display if you really want to show off your skills. Enter in the Apex Legends finisher. There are eight playable classes within the game. But, there are far more finishers than classes to ensure that you never get bored with showing off. However, you…

So I have a question, what would you do if I said I knew about one of the best indie games of all time, that was a beautifully crafted metroidvania style game with deep lore, charming characters and made you never want to stop playing it? You would probably scream at me “WHAT IS IT, TELL ME?!?!?!?” and after I managed to calm you down I would point you to Hollow Knight and its upcoming sequel Silksong. I am not kidding when I say that as a whole game there is absolutely nothing that I dislike about this game, from the developers to the DLC to the support from the community hell, even getting the images for this article was easier than every other game I have ever had to do this with. By the way thank you Team Cherry for making that press kit and making it actually super…

Everyone has that one underrated game from their childhood that always brings back those nostalgic memories of simpler and more innocent times. The problem is that most of the time you realize that you only thought those games were great was because you were seeing them through rose-colored glasses and if you actually went back and played them you would realize how they weren’t underrated but just honestly not that good. Luckily Titanfall 2 is definitely not one of those cases even if it wasn’t exactly from anyone’s childhood per se. Significant portions of the internet were singing the praises of Titanfall 2 even in the midst of being buried by the more popular title Battlefield One that not only released one week earlier but was also published by EA which essentially means the EA undermined their own game. Cool. Thanks again EA…… Dicks. However not only did the game…

If you have known Nintendo at any point in the past 15 years, then Reggie Fils-Amie is probably a familiar face and for great reason. Before his first appearance on stage with Nintendo back at E3 2004 the game company was known for being very stoic and flat when it came to presenting their games in North America but when the man later dubbed “The Regginator” introduced himself he brought with him a new era of Nintendo. One that wasn’t as uptight with its presentations, one that advertised games the same way that gamers felt playing them, and one that recaptured everything that made Nintendo great. My name is Reggie. I’m about kickin’ ass, I’m about takin’ names, and we’re about makin’ games.Reggie Fils-Amie at his first E3 with Nintendo 2004 Reggie quickly became a legend in the gaming community and was unofficially elected meme lord, with each press conference…

Now I can already tell I will not gain favor with a good portion of the internet for this one but it is my opinion as a writer so gosh darn it I’ll say it. I, like many others, decided to try out Respawn Entertainments latest game Apex Legends and I have to say I hate the trend of every AAA including a Battle Royal mode but in this instance, I actually enjoyed my experience playing. The game feels a little out of balance at times, nothing that can’t be fixed with a few updates, but the game attempts to be as fair in that balance as possible such as making team revives possible but still requiring some skill, and luck. In addition, when you drop into the map a screen pops up not only telling you where you dropped but the quality of loot that will be there which…

After nearly 13 years as the president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America, Reggie Fils-Aime has now decided to retire. A new president of Nintendo of America has already been chosen, being none other than Doug Bowser. Reggie Fils-Aime quickly won over the hearts and minds of many Nintendo fans with his gentle and open demeanor. Fans would go on to form memes of the Nintendo of America president, such as can be found below. In a joint statement on Thursday, however, Fils-Aime and Nintendo of America announced that the company’s president and COO would be retiring this spring. Current senior vice president of sales and marketing Doug Bowser has since been chosen to replace Fils-Aime as president of Nintendo of America. Fils-Aime’s final day within his long held position will be April 15. Fils-Aime first landed his position back in May of 2006. Prior to that, the…

I have lived in the south my entire life, and if there’s one thing southerners love the most it’s the fun little euphemisms that we get to say, one of my personal favorites is “Don’t get too big for your britches” which essentially means don’t think you are more or better than you actually are and try to do more than you can handle. If you would like an example look no further than the Epic Games Store, and their attempt to compete with the likes of Steam because I don’t think I could even make up a better one. Nobody can deny the success of Fortnite and the insane amount of money the game has made them, but thinking that they can get a slice of the Steam market? Absolutely insane, and not one of those “So crazy it might work” plans more like watching your buddy bet his…

Recently, it was exposed that Thomas Cheung, a popular video game influencer and employee of Hi-Rez Studios, makers of SMITE, Paladins and Realm Royale, was arrested in Operation Interception. Operation Interception was a sting, much like the Chris Hansen “To Catch a Predator” series, where suspects were caught soliciting sex from a minor. While innocent until proven guilty, the allegations and the evidence presented so far are very serious. Of course, sadly in our society, this isn’t a once off situation. These busts occur frequently and the work of our officers and legal system work diligently to protect society from this kind of harm. What makes this situation relevant to the gaming community is that Elvinelol was a popular influencer, affiliated with many gaming brands and ran the local Twitch Atlanta Community (not affiliated with Twitch). He attended gaming conventions where attendees of all ages gather to celebrate gaming. He…