


The year was circa 2002. Ragnarok Online was getting long in the tooth and I was invited into a mystical world that existed only until 2005, which was Dark Age of Camelot. The entire game itself was I would argue harder than Dark Souls. Soloing anything was next to near impossible and leveling required a group and lots of patience. FFXI, while not my cup of tea, was in many ways similar and players have similar opinions. The point of the game, the success, came from community. Building community with like minded players who wanted to sit and chat and play a video game together was your reward. It wasn’t power. It wasn’t fame. It wasn’t prize money. It was friendship, something we’ve long long lost in online gaming. To level, you would have to have a stereotypical archetype group of a tank, healer and DPS. The tank could only…

With the Avengers series about to wrap up at the end of April, many fan theories are hitting the web about how the franchise will end. After a snap of the fingers of Thanos, half of the Avengers are dead, along with half of the universe. Tony Stark is floating alone in space and only time will tell if Marvel’s greatest heroes can stop the mighty Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet. Will the Avengers be able to rally around each other and save the day, or will Thanos maintain his title of being the baddest mofo in the galaxy? One thing I think we can all agree on is that this finale will be emotional. There will most likely be more deaths and sacrifices made by the Avengers to save humanity. The motto for our heroes in this go around is “whatever it takes.” That is a phrase that sends…