
Epic Games Store


For quite some time the Steam store has been gamers’ one stop shop for all PC gaming. Epic Games has since decided to offer some stiff competition. However, one of the program’s recent free games has suffered a minor setback. Following the meteoric rise of the battle royal phenomenon that is Fortnite, parent company Epic Games decided to offer their own platform for digital PC game sales. To help themselves stand out from among the dominant force of Steam, Epic Games Store has been giving away free games every two weeks to the store’s loyal customers. Among them, the famous metroidvania title Axiom Verge recently hit the Epic Games Store as part of the free games service. However, the title hit a bit of a snag. Axiom Verge was first released back in 2015 on PS4 and PC. A PlayStation Vita edition was included later in 2016, with a Nintendo…

I have lived in the south my entire life, and if there’s one thing southerners love the most it’s the fun little euphemisms that we get to say, one of my personal favorites is “Don’t get too big for your britches” which essentially means don’t think you are more or better than you actually are and try to do more than you can handle. If you would like an example look no further than the Epic Games Store, and their attempt to compete with the likes of Steam because I don’t think I could even make up a better one. Nobody can deny the success of Fortnite and the insane amount of money the game has made them, but thinking that they can get a slice of the Steam market? Absolutely insane, and not one of those “So crazy it might work” plans more like watching your buddy bet his…

Update: It’s 2023 and the following still remains mostly true. The EPIC Store continues to be a pain in the gaming community’s side. Fighting Steam is the past time for many people in this world it seems, as we’re now seeing the Epic Store vs. Steam battle keep raging on. Which is much like the golden ages of MMOs where almost every month a new WoW killer was coming to fight the champion, who won the war via attrition and investors tired of sending their money down a bottomless pit. Now Epic Games, Discord and even Kongregate the flash game site is trying to lure you into replacing Steam with their awesome storefront. This isn’t new, Razer started selling games in their zCoin software forever ago. Twitch has the ability to buy some games, but the purchases often help the streamer. Humble Bundle was once a monthly bundle of games…