


Gems are a premium currency in Legends of Idleon and are obtained both with real world cash and freely in the game. While the easiest way to obtain gems is to buy them directly and conversely, the cheapest way is through a bundle when offered. Yet that doesn’t mean you can’t get a fair amount for free in the game. Let’s go over the daily stops you’re going to want to hit to farm gems. Below are the reasonable sources to farm gems from and how often they reset. If you have trouble with bosses, make sure you’re using the right class. Every Boss in the Game (Daily) All mini-bosses and bosses in the game drop gems (although you may need to unlock it for that world at the task board). This is the primary method of farming gems. For bosses, you’ll want to use the lowest level (1 key…

Grinding items in Legends of Idleon can be painful and Lava, the developer, has designed it to have a considerable amount of push and take. When you afk at any location or actively farm there, you obtain drops from monsters. In World 1 & World 2, these drops have to be farmed manually. Starting in World 3, with the 3D printer you can automatically print resources by using the sampling skill. No tutorial is needed, the starting questline in W3 gives you the sampling skill and asks you to sample two things. You can then go to the 3D printer (once unlocked via construction) and then assign each character to print up to two items. All of the gem purchases for the printer are amazing. There is no class for sampling, although check out our class tier list to figure out which class order to go in. Print Cycles The…

FFXIV is one of the few MMOs out there that still require a monthly subscription fee, along with the likes of World of Warcraft and uh, I’m sure there is some more out there. Point being, if you want everything the game has to offer you have to pay the subscription fee. Of course, like WoW, Final Fantasy XIV let’s you play for free with some limitations. Unlike WoW, the free trial is actually insanely lofty and pretty much let’s you play most of the game without ever having to subscribe. A Note for Those Who Have Ever Purchased the Base Game Bruh, you’ll have to start over. You’ll have to make an all new Square Enix account in order to play the free trial and, if at any time you upgrade from the free trial, you can not return. So keep that in mind. The good news is that…

So you’re converting to FFXIV from WoW and are ready to take on the world of Final Fantasy, the MMO, round two. A little back story, there was Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) which was another MMO that was pretty… interesting. It was, I would say, a game of patience and challenge loved by many, played by few. Then came FFXIV which followed on the coattails of the FFXIII for the PS3 which was a weird game because it was very linear compared to the open world Final Fantasy single player games of before. FFXIV when it originally launched was panned and then Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn was… born? I guess you could say. That’s the game we’re playing today and it was remade to be better than ever and is, for a tab-targeting game truly a AAA masterpiece in the genre now. After expansions iterating on the design,…

Below are some tips, tricks and a walkthrough of how to beat the story in Dodgeball Academia. This is a spoiler free guide, so we’re not going to mention the story at all. You can visit Humble Games to find out more about the game. It’s a really neat RPG / sports game hybrid with lots of fights, many optional and lots of fun stories and neat characters. Our guide below helps you through the entire game without spoiling anything, so we might be light on specifics but heavy on help. Stats are Kinda Useless Stats in this game are kind of useless. I did some testing and there isn’t anything that’s going to majorly change your game until you get toward the late game when you can buy all the juices you want to boost your stats. So like focusing on equipment and stats isn’t going to really matter.…

We’ve put together some of our favorite Pokemon Unite tips below for you to really dive deep into and become a Pokemon master. One of the things about Pokemon Unite is understanding that just because something exists on the Internet, it doesn’t mean you have to follow it. So a lot of this guide is focused around understanding how to really enjoy the game and do well in ranked while solo queuing. Ignore Pokemon Roles A lot of guides will tell you to follow the builds and do the things around the assigned roles Pokemon have which are: Attacker: Fights enemy players.Defender: Zone ControlSpeedster: Fast movement speed.Supporter: Healer / DebufferAll-Rounder: Versatile The truth is all Pokemon are versatile and can be built out to do anything. Some stats might be different, sure, but it doesn’t lock you into some kind of need to do only xyz in the game. Pokemon…

Pokemon Unite is a free to play Pokemon MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) similar to kind of like League of Legends x Rocket League. The goal isn’t to destroy the enemy nexus, something that you can’t actually do. It’s to collect Aeos Energy and then go to enemy control points and score with it. You can collect the energy via PvP fight (Pokemon being the player hero) against the opposing team or by fighting wild Pokemon scattered across the map. The key to victory in this game is team composition and not all Pokemon are equal in their ability to score KOs and deliver the Aeos to the enemy control points. So leverage our tier list below so that you can have the best chance at being the game MVP. In understanding where a Pokemon goes on the list we have to take into account its ability to both get…

DISGAEA RPG is an Android / iOS mobile game that let’s you play a basic RPG with characters from the DISGAEA franchise. It’s pretty awesome since you have all the main characters from all five main games plus all the side characters coming back with a lot of hilarious dialog and other cool bits. Anyway, we’ve got some answers for your common questions to explain core game concepts followed by the best 4* characters in the game. Latest Updates: Fenrich & Usalia added. Updated 9/24/21 Frequently Asked Questions What character is the best character to start with? So you get to reroll your first draw as much as you want and it’s a guaranteed 4*. You’re going to want to pick Desco. She’s the snake like character and boss character in DISGAEA 4 after all. She has an AOE attack that’s pretty boss early game, doesn’t use a ton of…

Java Edition 1.17 added in raw metals into Minecraft. This is a major change to various versions, metal blocks would drop metal blocks, not raw ore. The Fortune and Silk Touch enchantments now work on the Iron, Copper and Gold blocks which drop ore now instead of the blocks themselves. This ore can be smelted with one fuel and one ore to make one ingot, just as you can with the blocks. That means with Fortune III you can get up to 4 (the average being 2.2) ores per metal block. Which is a nice change as it makes farming these materials a lot easier compared to before. So when you destroy an Iron, Copper or Gold block (or their deepslate variants) without Silk Touch, you’ll get something called “Raw Iron” or “Raw Copper” or “Raw Gold.” It works the same way as the blocks in crafting, but of course…

So you’ve just started the new expansion (WoW: Shadowlands) and everyone else has months of Renown and you’ve just hit max level. Maybe you’ve taken a break for awhile and your friends haven’t caught up with you yet. It was super frustrating for me too, at the start of the expansion because it felt like I had to do everything to catch my renown up each week and it was pretty fatiguing. Except the good news is that you don’t have to do every renown quest every week if you don’t want to and if you start later in the expansion, you’ll still be able to farm your way to everyone’s current level. It’s very simple: How to Catch Up To catch your renown up just do anything in the game that rewards you something. Covenant Callings, Battlegrounds, Dungeons, world bosses (once per week), various weekly quests, etc. Most of…