Endless World is an idle game and it has a cool feature sort of like Tap Titans 2 and other idle games where you enter into a 2 day contest to see who can get the furthest the fastest. How do you win this Sprint? Well, it’s actually not 100% pay to win. There are some strategies that you can use to take you to the top. The first strategy is to babysit the game. Especially the further you get into the game. If you run out of inventory spaces, you can’t progress for instance. So you’ll need to clear your inventory. You’ll want to cash in encounters as soon as they’re done and run the gold dungeon if it’s up for instance. Outside of that, you’ll want the game open so you’re constantly advancing. The next strategy is to avoid buying your tombstone and instead buy items from the…
Do you want to be the very best? Check out this guide.
Here’s what you need to know.
No Man’s Sky Beyond is out now, allowing Virtual Reality players to fully enjoy the game. With that in mind, the VR community is now working hard to catch up with the rest of the No Man’s Sky crowd. Luckily, there are a lot of nifty ways you can quickly build your proverbial empire if you are new to the game. Check out the tips below for a quick breakdown of how you can quickly make money in No Man’s Sky VR. Trade Chlorine One of the most profitable substances in No Man’s Sky is chlorine. If you want to become a wealthy benefactor of the galaxy, then you are going to need to learn how to obtain it and sell it. When it comes to farming chlorine, the name of the game is to always keep an eye out for organic rocks, submerged relics and floating crystals. Organic rocks…
Want to make some serious Gil? Check out this guide.
Here’s how you can level quickly.
World of Warcraft Vanilla took a tumultuous time in my life and united a variety of characters who provided a wonderful outlet and escape from reality in a time when that made sense. It also was a less miserable option, not a superior one. Raiding felt like a job and arranging your life to meet the raid times can be hard if you have anything else to do in the world. There wasn’t Netflix or easier entertainment options available like today and everything back then required a lot of money to do. It’s not 2005 or 2006 anymore and we don’t have to look at something like WoW: Classic as a chore or something we need to race to level 60 in to get the best raid guilds. Most WoW players back in the day were casuals, making up most of the players and is why the game evolved into…
Do you want to start playing Elite Dangerous? Check out these quick tips first.
Rediscover Borderlands 2 with the new Commander Lilith DLC, featuring a fresh storyline, exciting weapons, and epic battles leading up to Borderlands 3!
Islanders requires you to place buildings in a way that builds synergy in a zen like continuous march, much like business meetings. The way you place each building is how you build your score. Certain buildings like other buildings and dislike others. As a city planner your job is to place the buildings in a please way, build enough score and move to the next island where you start all over again. The vast majority of achievements focus around building buildings & building your score and rushing to certain milestones. To move from island to the next, you’ll have to reach specific score thresholds. Once you start at a new island, you lose everything from the previous one (except the score). You can press ESC at any time to see your online ranking. You can stay on one island before moving to the next to continue score building if you’d…