


With the second Lego movie recently hitting theaters, I thought of another one of my favorite combos: Legos and Star Wars. I have no carpentry skills whatsoever, and if you told me to build a birdhouse, I would fail epically. However, even at a young age, I was a Lego connoisseur and could create anything that crossed my path. I was obsessed with Legos and Star Wars, and even built the Lego Millenium Falcon all by myself. You can envision my excitement when I found out there would be a Lego Star Wars video game. Game on bro. When I first found out about Lego Star Wars: The Video Game I was ecstatic. It would be the perfect blend of the loves of my life at the time. Now imagine the pain that came with that when I realized it was initially released on the Xbox and PS2, but not on the Gamecube. Oh,…

One of the most underrated games I have played in recent history is Batman: The Telltale Series. I loved the idea of a choice-based adventure for a young, inexperienced Dark Knight, and I found myself lost in the world of Gotham in a different way than I ever had before. However, I have never met another person who has played this game, and it makes me think I may be the only one who got to enjoy this excellent series. As I mentioned earlier, the choice-based adventure concept was great for a Batman game. It was such a cool experience to be Bruce Wayne and make crucial choices and decisions that would hopefully be best for Gotham City. It made the player feel like they were Bruce Wayne himself and showed how tough it would be to be Wayne and make split-second, potentially life-altering decisions. There are also parts where you must…

This article will contain spoilers about Kingdom Hearts 3 and its ending, please be aware of this before you continue With the disclaimer out of the way, I have to say that I have very mixed feelings about the most recent entry in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. On one hand, the gameplay is amazingly fun, wonderfully customizable and as over the top and action packed as a kid that grew up with the franchise could hope for. On the other hand, this game was filled to the brim with story moments that made no sense, felt out of place and confused the hell out of even the most die-hard of KH fans. By the end of the game though, I had fallen back in love with the series that had always managed to bring a smile to my face and make me crave one more playthrough. Sadly though this isn’t…

Based on the hit book series, HBO’s Game of Thrones has deeply embedded itself within American popular culture. The television phenomenon is now nearing its final season, leaving hardcore fans wanting more. Luckily, there is actually more to come. Referred to as The Long Night, a prequel spin-off series to Game of Thrones has been green lit for production. In 2017, HBO gave the go ahead for a total four episodes of the prequel. The series is rumored to take place 5,000 years before the events of Game of Thrones and is set to star Naomi Watts. Speaking to EW, HBO programming president Casey Bloys revealed that the series is expected to begin production early this summer. Bloys previously claimed that the series will not air until one year after the finale of Game of Thrones. With that in mind, fans can expect a summer 2020 release for the spin-off…

The Nintendo Switch is a smashing success. With millions of consoles having sold worldwide, Nintendo has put a truly historical gaming machine on the market. That being said, it would appear that the company is far from done iterating on the console. The Nintendo Switch went on sale back in March 2017. A hybrid console, the Switch is uniquely designed to be played from the couch as well as on the go. Just as with the Wii and WiiU, the Switch has been experiencing incredible hardware sales. As of the end of 2018, over an estimated 32 million consoles have been sold worldwide. As well as the console is selling, Nintendo is potentially now looking to buff things up even further. As reported by Japanese news outlet Nikkei, a smaller version of the Switch is potentially being targeted for a 2019 release at a lower price point. The console will…

Assassin’s Creed has become a staple of modern gaming. The series has been around since way back in 2007. As with any franchise that has been around for 12 years, the game series has had its ups and downs. Now, however, it would seem the game is once again on the rise. Now 21 games strong, Assassin’s Creed has flooded the market with a bevy of amazing titles. That being said, not every Assassin’s Creed has been a smashing critical success. Ubisoft, parent company to the franchise, has a reputation for annually releasing sequel after sequel when it comes to their properties. Assassin’s Creed was certainly no different. First off, let’s take a quick look back at when it all started. Assassin’s Creed has become a staple of modern gaming. The series has been around since way back in 2007. As with any franchise that has been around for 12…

Indeed: as of this week, the game’s first DLC fighter, Piranha Plant, has gone live. Since its inception in 1996 on the Nintendo 64, the Super Smash Bros. series’ biggest draw — its hook that no other games can swing — is that it is the ultimate crossover (sorry, Marvel) of Nintendo characters. In no other game can stealth operative Solid Snake be slapped around by a sentient pink puffball. That description could even be referring to multiple characters, which shows how diverse the Smash fighter roster really is. Now, we’ve gone into ultra instinct diverse with the addition of Piranha Plant as the first of the DLC characters. Nobody expected this. Piranha Plant didn’t even expect to be included — it always shrubbed it off as some warped kind of pipe dream. But here we are, as its vines are being unleashed in Smash the world over. There is…

Pokemon is a series that is loyal to its traditions, perhaps like no other — if you get a mainline Pokemon game, you know exactly what you’re getting. In a world where a franchise might take a sudden, confusing shift into a direction that you don’t gel with, staying true to the formula can be seen as trustworthy and a good thing. On the opposite end, it’s also possible for a franchise to play it too safe and things could start to get stale. While Pokemon is definitely still enjoyable, it’s a peculiar series of games in that it’s kept up with the times in some ways, but in others is very archaic and has hardly progressed. I get it: why mess with the formula of one of your biggest cash cows? But in 2019, much of its features feel like anachronisms from the past and are outdated. In some…

Bethesda has been getting a bad wrap lately. And, it’s not just because of Fallout 76. A bevy of lawsuits, middling fan reception to their latest two releases and a seemingly big push towards mobile all have hardcore Bethesda fans scared. That being said, artistically, the company is doing just fine. Seriously, there’s no need to worry. Before we get into the nitty gritty details of what’s going on with Bethesda right now and the seemingly chaotic turmoil their PR is dealing with, let’s slow it down. Let’s break down what got Bethesda on most gamers’ radars. Bethesda Game Studios earned their place as the proverbial top dogs of RPG games back in the early 2000s. With the release of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, later followed by the more commercially successful title Oblivion, Bethesda claimed their spot among the great developers for wide eyed, RPG playing video game fans around…

Ubisoft’s Far Cry series has experienced a great resurgence since the release of the highly praised Far Cry 3. Well, it would appear that the next title in the series may offer a few new takes on the now well versed franchise. Far Cry New Dawn is set to take place 17 years after the events of Far Cry 4, offering a somewhat post-apocalyptic take on the series. Speaking in a recent promotional tweet, creative director Jean-Sebastien Decant has now revealed that Far Cry New Dawn will feature some RPG elements. “We pushed what we call the light RPG approach in the game to create more depth, so you’ll be able to craft guns that have ranks, and these ranks they will be useful to fight against enemies that also have ranks.” Decant said. “We have what we call the escalation system for the outposts,” Decant later continued, noting changes…