


We wanted to put together an all in one resource on how to go out and find your next game purchase at the lowest price, for PC & console. The below guide covers the best deal site aggregators which let you search across multiple vendors and we also cover the best cash back rewards programs that you can leverage without any kind of credit card signup or formal card cash back program. You’d be surprised, sometimes you can get 8% back on a $300 purchase, which is $24 extra dollars back for doing nothing. The reason why is that it’s just easy to buy the game directly off of Steam or your console’s storefront. You search for the title and pay whatever they’re asking for. The problem is that with just a little bit of effort, you can find the game likely way cheaper. Then, on top of that, with…

DISGAEA RPG is an Android / iOS mobile game that let’s you play a basic RPG with characters from the DISGAEA franchise. It’s pretty awesome since you have all the main characters from all five main games plus all the side characters coming back with a lot of hilarious dialog and other cool bits. Anyway, we’ve got some answers for your common questions to explain core game concepts followed by the best 4* characters in the game. Latest Updates: Fenrich & Usalia added. Updated 9/24/21 Frequently Asked Questions What character is the best character to start with? So you get to reroll your first draw as much as you want and it’s a guaranteed 4*. You’re going to want to pick Desco. She’s the snake like character and boss character in DISGAEA 4 after all. She has an AOE attack that’s pretty boss early game, doesn’t use a ton of…

When we consider the power of gaming one of the things we don’t consider often is its ability to be extremely inclusive and allow for a wide swath of people from the full spectrum of socioeconomic statuses to enter into a video gaming career. Due to the nonstandard approach and ease of entry into the streaming space and just playing, becoming a professional eSports player is “easier” than ever. “Easier” of course being in quotations because it’s not “easy” as in you can just start day one and begin as a professional eSports player. No, the “easy” part is the materials for getting started. The rest of it is up to the skills of a player. You, your child or your young adult may be interested in being an eSports professional. Wearing a jersey, being on stage in front of a large crowd (or viewers at home) and basking in…

In Genshin Impact you can turn wishes into new characters and items. It’s sort of a gacha game but with really cute anime inspired characters. The hard thing is figuring out which characters to have on your team and which characters to bank. Plus you have to figure out who you want to invest in, give your best weapons, use in certain situations, etc. To help with that problem we have the below tier list which should give you an idea on who and what to prioritize on. You may more or less focus on just gaining new characters due to the randomness involved in Genshin Impact instead of focusing on gaining a specific one. You want to have one ranged (bow) user in your party. Healers are helpful, so are support, but you may also want to focus mostly on DPS. Remember that no list is going to ever…

The Movies, a business simulator, launched in November 8, 2005 and is still, today, played by an ongoing community who loves not only the fun of building your own movie studio but also the fun things you can do with the movie creation tools. YouTubers Life OMG! is, in so many ways, a modern streamlined version of The Movies, just without the animated movies built in. YouTubers Life takes you into the life of a burgeoning online video star who starts their career with a potato for a PC, mic, webcam and general setup while living with their parents and follows their career house to house as they expand their video making empire. Each video you produce allows you to choose cards to decide outcomes that impact the videos script, acting, editing and sound level. You then go in and edit the video, working in post-production to match scenes together…

This is a difficult topic for me because I believe that games journalism is just such a weird thing to begin with. I’ve been writing in this industry now for over 15 years professionally, as in paid to write and it’s still hard for me to even consider myself a journalist. I’ve sourced stories, been featured on TV shows as someone who predicted World of Warcraft going free-to-play and in general have spent most of my time honestly just writing guides and covering games I liked. Here’s the thing, people look at the folks writing about games who do present themselves as journalists and pass some interesting judgements good and bad about their content, but these days it’s actually really hard as a text based site to matter to the marketing companies that are hired by developers and publishers unless you’re the mainstream media. It started back when video was…

Google Stadia is both the hardware and software behind the Google Stadia streaming platform. The only requirement is to have a game controller of any sort that is compatible with Google Chromecast or the supported device that you’re playing Stadia on and it works on a lot of devices. Let’s take this slow and go over everything you need to know to get started on Google Stadia. What is Google Stadia This is complicated, because the answer just isn’t “Google Stadia is a video game streaming service like PS Now” because while true, it’s more than that. Google Stadia is a video game streaming platform, where you purchase games to play on the Stadia platform with lots of additional features – like Google Assistant can fetch games for you (likely a feature of the Google Stadia controller, but also just as likely a feature anyone can use), there is crowd…

Meeple Station is a space station simulator that has been in early access for awhile and I figured it’d be good to give it a look now in September of 2019. Some of the early feedback was that the game was shallow and I think, from what I’ve played, that’s not so true anymore. Once your station is launched, there is definitely some waiting time before you can do “more” and that will likely evolve over time, but there is a lot to do in the game as is. Gameplay The gameplay is very in-depth at this stage of development for a simulation game. On the surface, it seems shallow, but ultimately more layers of the game emerge as you play it for any significant amount of time. The first thing you have to do is build your station with a limited set of resources (or spawn a pre-configured “good…