World of Warcraft Vanilla took a tumultuous time in my life and united a variety of characters who provided a wonderful outlet and escape from reality in a time when that made sense. It also was a less miserable option, not a superior one. Raiding felt like a job and arranging your life to meet the raid times can be hard if you have anything else to do in the world. There wasn’t Netflix or easier entertainment options available like today and everything back then required a lot of money to do. It’s not 2005 or 2006 anymore and we don’t have to look at something like WoW: Classic as a chore or something we need to race to level 60 in to get the best raid guilds. Most WoW players back in the day were casuals, making up most of the players and is why the game evolved into…
World of Warcraft Classic brings us back to an interesting time in WoW’s history, when not all classes were nearly as equal as they are today. To start with, for instance, respecing is very expensive and all gear goes towards one spec for most classes so a Protection Warrior would have full defense gear which wouldn’t work for an Arms Warrior. This list is broken into classes (with specs) to avoid, the best classes to play and the most fun which is a bit different than best. Since it takes so long to level a character, remember, it’s about what you have fun playing more than it is which one is the absolute best. This list also takes into consideration future patches and plans based on the entire vanilla WoW experience, instead of just at launch. Class Specializations to Avoid These classes are just absolutely awful and you should never…
Discord Nitro is the premium monthly subscription addon to Discord, the free voice & text chat app that gamers have adopted. We’ve moved past Teamspeak and Ventrilo and live in a Discord world. No longer does someone have to pay for a TS or Vent server, with Discord being free everyone can have their own server and talk to their friends, guild mates, etc. Discord does charge for its premium service, Nitro, which comes in at $9.99 USD a month or $99.99 a year (2 free months) or classic which is $4.99 USD a month or $49.99 a year (2 months free). What You Get You get the following benefits (read over these and if it sounds good then you’ve answered the question yourself, if you’re still curious scroll down and read our thoughts): Classic Nitro & Nitro Tier Custom Discord Tags: You can change the “Discrim” or the four…
Summer Catchers is PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) game about an epic road trip through the forest starting in a wooden car to find summer. It’s a little bit like Alto’s Odyssey (published by the same publisher, Noodlecake Studios) mixed with a little bit of Reigns. The basic premise is that you’re in a vehicle, you’ve got a limited number of power-ups to overcome specific obstacles and a list of tasks to complete to move to the next area and unlock more zones. A cooperative mode exists where players take turns choosing items and you unlock additional functionality as you go through the game (I don’t want to spoil it too far). The four man team behind the game has put a lot of extra love into it, which is reflected in the beautiful pixel art and the subtle wit of the story. Unlike other endless runners, there is a steady…
ActRaiser was a super cool SNES game because it was a mix of city building and side-scrolling. With Sol Seraph, we finally have a spiritual successor to ActRaiser – just 29 years later (1993 saw ActRaiser 2, which many say wasn’t as good as the first). To sum the game up – you build a city and play a tower defense map to unlock side scrolling sections, which boost your character (Helios) and makes him stronger, eventually letting you take on a boss and fully liberating the area. Understanding How To Play the Game Sol Seraph is formulaic. Once you get into the pattern of the game, it becomes very easy to understand the basic flow. It goes like this: You unlock a zone by completing a side-scrolling map. Once unlocked, you are in tower defense mode. You you fight enemies to collect souls to unlock enemy arenas. Once you…
As everyone knows I love me some amazing Fortnite which so far I’m 2 and 0. I’ve won two games and never played since. That doesn’t mean my Epic Games account isn’t valuable to me or doesn’t have a plethora of either free games or other Epic Games attached to it that I don’t value. So when I got an email saying that my password was reset and that I had successfully connected to an Xbox One – an Xbox One that I don’t own, I was concerned. This method of attack somehow allowed someone to reset the password without going through my email – I’m assuming that they logged in via an insecure or leaked password, then changed it via the online account settings and then linked it to their Xbox One. I’m not sure why, my Epic Games account isn’t that cool, but it’s still concerning. What To…
I can honestly sum this game up in a few quick sentences. Do you love Rick and Morty and don’t mind VR click to teleport mechanics? Then purchase this game – you’ll be happy that you did. It runs great, at least for me on my PC and it’s hilarious. I mean just outright hilarious and somehow, a silly game like this makes choices you make matter more than any other game. Biases: I love Rick and Mortyi5 8600k on a GTX 1080Oculus HMD (Retail)Oculus Touch / DualshockNo review copy supplied. Early on you’re tasked by someone to kill a few enemies who are harassing him. Once you’ve helped him, he grants you the power to double jump. If you go behind him and kill the enemies there, he will freak out and start crying. When you run into him later, he will still be upset with you. The joke…
NPCs were announced to be returning to Fallout 76 in an epic trailer for the upcoming updates released at E3. This update is to bring life to what was a lifeless world, what was to force players to interact with each other backfired and now NPCs are coming back to the world. Will that save Fallout 76 though? To answer that question, I argue we need to look at what Fallout 76 really is and what it’d need to do to be fun again. Fallout 76 is Honestly Just a Bad Guild Wars 2 Clone One of the weird things about Fallout 76 is that it’s pretty much Guild Wars 2 without a lot of the cool stuff about Guild Wars 2 and the PvP zone was in the PvE zone. No one makes that connection easily of course, but instead of an Everquest or World of Warcraft with a…
Read on for some leveling tips.
iTunes is not dying anytime soon – at least the windows app isn’t. While you may see many outlets report that iTunes is now dead and gone and wax poetically about the app going to the wayside, what isn’t reported often enough is that the windows client isn’t going to change. There is not going to be a split of any functionally out of the app immediately and it’s business as usual. The answer to this question was revealed within an Ars Technica interview with the following quote: Apple says users of iTunes under Microsoft Windows will not see any changes. It won’t be broken up into several apps; it will work just like it does now. Ars Technica Interview So there you have it if you’re curious about if iTunes for windows is going away or whatever the answer is no. If you’ve got a Mac that’s on “Catalina”…