


I love watching horror games on YouTube, at least ones that don’t rely only on jump scares. Games like Baldi’s Basics, Outlast, Resident Evil 5, etc. are all fun haunts to watch someone else deal with the tension of being chased. Being chased is the primary theme of most horror games. There is a monster, somewhere hidden within the game world and he’s coming for you. Seriously, look at the below: Most horror games involve fear being from the unknown element of a stalker. Something is out there and you could run into it at any given point. Fear is the motivator but Luigi’s mansion is different. It’s creepy and spooky and scary and it has jump scares, plenty of them, but it doesn’t use time as a motivator. It doesn’t make you have to run and hide and constantly test different locations for you to hide in order for…

Borderlands 3 is the sequel to Borderlands 2 and kicks off with a new vault hunter back on Pandora taking on an epic adventure throughout the galaxy. There is a lot of the same and a lot of new things in this rendition and our review is pretty simple. If you want an FPS loot game that’s sillier than Destiny 2 and/or an improved version of Borderlands 2 then this game is a must have. The looter shooter has impressive combat, great guns and fun characters to play with some interesting and challenging encounters throughout the world. If you want a detailed story FPS game then, I’m not sure I would recommend Borderlands 3. The story, while long and very in-depth, isn’t very good. The basic premise is that there are two people who have taken over the bandits on Pandora and formed a cult. You’re basically fighting against the…

Respawn Entertainment’s battle royal Apex Legends is taking the gaming community by storm. To many, it’s fun, fast paced and outrageously addictive. And, to the joy of players worldwide, it’s free. As Apex Legends gains global acclaim, players aim to enhance their combat skills. However, accumulating kill streaks and commanding victories rings hollow without a flair for style. This guide will detail how to employ the game’s captivating finishers to distinguish yourself from the rest. While you can simply clip your target with a few rounds, drop them by the wayside and then move along, there is a final step you can add to your winning display if you really want to show off your skills. Enter in the Apex Legends finisher. There are eight playable classes within the game. But, there are far more finishers than classes to ensure that you never get bored with showing off. However, you…