Defender Idle is available on Kongregate as a free-to-play idle game. It has a pretty bad score for a myriad of reasons, mostly relating to its launch, but it’s actually a solid idle game with a pretty big community around it, but I like it! The nice thing about Defender Idle is that progression moves swiftly and they throw a lot of mechanics at you to progress. We’re going to focus mostly on the early game, so that you can have fun unlocking all the cool features that come once you setup actual idle play. Starting Out Starting out you’re going to have the university, where you learn upgrades after you “surrender” or “lose.” The bulletin board which is daily quests. The school to unlock more turrets and higher levels of those turrets. The workshop, where you can upgrade your turrets as they level up. Finally the research center, where…
Over the Alps is a really unique adventure game that’s a mix of the Grand Budapest Hotel, every spy movie ever made and a choose your own adventure with some serious consequences to your actions. It’s broken into four acts and each act can take up to an hour with your various choices that play out through choosing postage stamps for post cards not so much changing the location but the general story and how characters interact with each other. In many ways, it works like this, you have a set path that you move through the game and a general flow for how the story will play out, however, the details of how what when and where play out throughout the game. In this review I will not talk about any details of the game, they must be absolutely enjoyed. However, the below animated GIF is how the game…
This is a difficult topic for me because I believe that games journalism is just such a weird thing to begin with. I’ve been writing in this industry now for over 15 years professionally, as in paid to write and it’s still hard for me to even consider myself a journalist. I’ve sourced stories, been featured on TV shows as someone who predicted World of Warcraft going free-to-play and in general have spent most of my time honestly just writing guides and covering games I liked. Here’s the thing, people look at the folks writing about games who do present themselves as journalists and pass some interesting judgements good and bad about their content, but these days it’s actually really hard as a text based site to matter to the marketing companies that are hired by developers and publishers unless you’re the mainstream media. It started back when video was…
Let’s bring things up a notch.
Want to build up your resources in Path of Exile? Check out our guide down below.
Want to see which Battlerite Arena champions are the best? Check out our guide below.
Here are five tank busting tips to improving your game.
This Rezakiri war pike can be all yours.
It’s time to grab some achievements.
Want to bring your prowess to the next level? Check out these tips.