


The Fallout series has several eras to consider when you’re thinking about the video games. The first is the classical era, which contains Fallout 1 & 2 along with Fallout Tactics. Next comes the first general 3D era, which contains Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. The modern era includes Fallout 4 (including the modernization update) and Fallout 76. Which game should you play first and which are the best in the series? Let’s take a deeper look. Fallout Series Tier List & Ranking Why Fallout 4 is the Best and Should Be Your First Fallout Game There’s so many reasons why you should play Fallout 4 first: There’s a lot more I can dive into (more companions in FO4, lots of additional side quests and locations, etc.) but ultimately if you’re looking to get into the Fallout Universe, Fallout 4 is the first game you should give a try.…