


If your world in LEGO Fortnite has had its spawn moved, there is currently nothing you can do to fix it within your world. Most guides will tell you to make a new world and give keys out and that’s very much true. You can just make a new world and that solves the glitch, but it also doesn’t mean it won’t come back or that EPIC won’t patch your world. There are a few ways to make the issue a bit easier. I’d only suggest the following if you’ve at least got a few hours into your world. Otherwise, it might be more fun to just restart. If you have aerial vehicles, it may be easier to just use those to retrieve your friends. Reach Far Out Friends The first question is what biome(s) are between you and your friends. Hot like the Desert and cold like the Frostlands…

Let’s get you ready to go in the hot or cold in Lego Fortnite. It may feel complex at first, but it’s actually quite a simple system. In the top left corner is your hot / cold bar. Left (blue) is cold with two steps and right is hot (red) with two steps and a neutral in the center (grey). The Grasslands by default is neutral, Desert is hot and the Frostlands are cold. Night time will decrease coldness by generally one along with storms. These features can be turned off at world creation. There’s freezing and burning (rapid health degeneration) along with cold and hot (slow health degeneration). Anything that grants health generation (or just eating every now and then) will tackle cold and hot areas of the game. You’ll need elemental resistance along with warmth / coolness to tackle areas that are freezing and burning (Desert/Frostlands caves, Frostlands…

Cult of the Lamb is a game I was iffy on for a long time and was happy to find the motivation to spend a week playing it to completion. It mixes city management alongside a roguelike top-down hack and slasher which is very appealing, but it only really offers great gameplay if you more or less want to run the same few dungeons (four in total) over and over again. There’s a lot of games that evoke the same feelings in the same way Cult of the Lamb does, like Trigger Witch, where they have all the parts that make an amazing game but none of the substance or content to deliver. There are a few weapon types, a few spells you can use. The game’s pacing is predictable and every note you expect it to hit strikes. I both love and don’t love Cult of the Lamb. We…

DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 is an amazing fighting game that has developed well over the years. Here’s a comprehensive tier list, updated as of 2023, to help you find the best character in the game. You’ll need to unlock them all first! We’ve got another tier list, what we call the “simplified tier list” also included below. If you’re just looking for what’s the best character to play in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 or just the generalized best, check out that section. If you’re looking for the in-depth form by form tier list, that’s right below. In-Depth Form by Form Tier List S Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier D Tier F Tier Simplified Tier List Here are the major notable characters and why they’re in each tier. S Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier Hercule Tier

Arcadegeddon is a colorful mashup of arcade nostalgia and roguelike action that mostly succeeds thanks to its vibrant style, frantic gameplay, and reverence for gaming’s past. Arcadegeddon is effectively if you took Risk of Rain 2 and removed the sadder overtones and replaced them with a Saturday morning cartoon gamer vibe aesthetic. The music is absolutely worth the price of admission alone. We recommend this game, if you’re wondering why read on below. You play alongside Gilly, a likeable underdog trying to save his retro arcade from being bulldozed by the evil Fun Fun Co corporation. To drum up interest and funds, Gilly cleverly hacks together the greatest hits of arcade gaming into one super game called Arcadegeddon. However, Fun Fun Co retaliates by injecting a virus that corrupts the creation. Now it’s up to you and friends to dive in and exterminate the bugs overrunning Gilly’s digital dream. The…

Valheim is an amazing viking journey through a hostile world made so much better with friends. One of the beautiful things about Valheim is that single player can become multiplayer at anytime by inviting other players into your world and vice-verse. This of course requires your computer to be on and you to be playing, but what about when everyone wants to build cooperatively but not have the host on? Then it’s time for a dedicated server. You could rent a dedicated server for a myriad of hosts. It’s simple and some even let you host mods. If you do that you’re basically done; rent the server, follow the server hosts guide and voila. Yet you’re now stuck paying for a server that you could play this month or you could not and often times these hosts can have data export restrictions making your game world… their game world. So…

Limbus Company is the third install in Project Moon’s Lobotomy Corporation world. The manager, Dante, is tasked to take his 12 sinners into the ruins of Lobotomy Corporation to uncover the Golden Boughs. To do so you’ll need to know how to use identities, EGO and fight in the tough world of “The City.” You can read more on the story if you’re interested. In this guide we go over what Identities are, how EGO works and how the flow of combat works. By the time you reach 3-4, you’ll need to master all three to make it through. Identities and the Gacha System in Limbus Company Identities (ID) are alternate universe versions of the twelve sinners. The base 12 sinners are unlocked by default. You can draw IDs via the gacha system. They have three rankings: 0 (base), 00 and 000. The most powerful universal version is often considered…

SIGNALIS only allows for six inventory spaces and many players do not like the concept at all. So much so the developers have responded noting that they’re working on iterating on some kind of change that doesn’t remove the spirit of the gameplay but alleviates some of the player concerns. For me, I find the entire debate fascinating. The issue stems from the way that the game presents the inventory as sort of a puzzle challenge, akin to games likes Resident Evil. It forces the player into a set playstyle, something modern gamers aren’t very appreciative of, where you will always optimize your run by not bringing ammo and only carrying one weapon. That gives you five inventory slots for all other items. Yet, players who play the game on Easy or Normal will likely want to play aggressively and in doing so will want different weapon options, lots of…

There’s a lot to picking your first class and then subsequent job in Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) to take into consideration. Seasoned and new players alike can have difficulty choosing which job to play and it’s especially relevant for new players who have to stick with the first class they pick for awhile. Getting stuck on that class selection screen is a real reality with so many classes in FFXIV to choose from. The first thing we go over is picking your class and you’re stuck with that until level 10. Then at level 30 you can change to jobs which grant expanded abilities. Then at level 50 there are new jobs to unlock based on expansions and other considerations. So we go into what all the different classes / jobs do in the game, how to acquire them and what they do. So consider this a one stop shop…