Check out how all of the champions are stacking up.
It’s a fight to the top.
Here are some top quality tips to improving your skills in this mobile game.
There is a lot more to this game than meets the eye.
It’s time to up your game.
Want to make the most out of this RTS game? Read on.
Baptiste has a lot to set him apart from the other support heroes of Overwatch, and with a high learning curve, he can be a bit difficult to pick up. If you struggle at first, don’t feel bad. Baptiste is new to everyone, and we’re all learning. With that said, let’s go over the latest hero’s abilities and quirks, and discuss what you can do to give yourself a competitive edge. Baptiste Hero Overview Baptiste is a support hero unlike any other. His main weapon, the Biotic Launcher, is a three-round burst hitscan rifle (primary fire) that doubles as a healing grenade launcher (alternate fire). His three-round burst is most effective at short to medium range, while his healing grenades can be lobbed quite a distance away to help teammates in need. Baptiste’s first ability is Regenerative Burst, which immediately begins healing himself and nearby allies over a short time.…
Who doesn’t love free stuff? Right? like if I offered you a free sandwich would you honestly say no? So why would you do it with a video game? The FTP market may be oversaturated but there are still some gems hidden in all that mess, and that is what we are here for. So today I’m breaking down the best games on the PS4 that not only won’t break the bank, they won’t even tough your wallet. 5. Brawlhalla If you want to play Super Smash Bros’ but don’t have a Switch this is your next best pick. Brawlhalla is a fighting game that works in much the same way as the SSB series, you pick a champion and fight with up to four of your friends in home or online in a 2D platform mayhem brawl. While the gameplay isn’t quite as tight as it’s predecessor the game…
With the Avengers series about to wrap up at the end of April, many fan theories are hitting the web about how the franchise will end. After a snap of the fingers of Thanos, half of the Avengers are dead, along with half of the universe. Tony Stark is floating alone in space and only time will tell if Marvel’s greatest heroes can stop the mighty Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet. Will the Avengers be able to rally around each other and save the day, or will Thanos maintain his title of being the baddest mofo in the galaxy? One thing I think we can all agree on is that this finale will be emotional. There will most likely be more deaths and sacrifices made by the Avengers to save humanity. The motto for our heroes in this go around is “whatever it takes.” That is a phrase that sends…
Reinhardt is at the top of Overwatch’s meta right now. Here’s how to master him.