


We rank all champions for League of Legends: Wild Rift into two tier lists. First is the best champions in the game, period and the second is the best champion for the five main roles: top, bottom (ADC), middle, support and jungle. In coming up with our tier list, we weigh the common player solo queuing over group play. We also focus our S tier on the best hero to pick, regardless of other choices, based on the current meta to make it easy to know which character you can choose and know you’ll do a great job in that role with its specific tool kit. At the end of the tier list we have the best devices to play LoL: Wild Rift on. These are going to likely be what you expect: the flagships for the top mobile brands Apple and Samsung, but we have some tips for some…

RoleGenerator was launched in July 2021 oriented to helping dungeon masters and roleplaying game enthusiasts with generating a lot of the day to day minutia of their roleplaying campaigns. As of right now, they have 28 modules divided into two categories: Dungeons & Dragons and generic roleplaying generators. The latter refers to narrative content or content that isn’t specific to any game system and ubiquitous across any type of roleplaying gaming. There are modules focused purely on roleplaying, my favorite being the land and event generator which will take a terrain type and generate flavor text and events that randomly could occur which is great for fleshing out tile by tile what’s there (or even in building rooms for a MUD). Their D&D module generates a shop with inventory, which is useful in building some much needed randomness between shops. Many of the modules include in-depth looks what the generator…