


ABRISS is a beautiful puzzle game that is engaging both visually and auditorily. It’s a thrill to work level by level and engage various Rube Goldberg-esq contraptions to destroy the level. It’s even more thrilling to replay each level to perfect your build and get a higher completion rate. Ultimately, for the price, ABRISS is a must buy if you love puzzle games, demolition and kickin’ rad audio. Destruction & Controlled Mayhem ABRISS has you place various items in the game to fall, move or be controlled to destroy various red targets. Each level has a more or less ideal solution to it but there’s some room to be creative past the tutorial levels. There’s definitely room to tighten up your build to destroy more and get a higher score or better shots in the photo mode / gif creator. The game doesn’t have a story or depth or tricks…

This is a tier list to gearing up of sorts. We’ve got the best armor sets listed out and how to get each from starting (Moonward) to the current endgame gear set. If you’re looking to get max level fast, check out our leveling guide. Gear while you’re leveling up is based on what you get from the MSQs and duty drops. Max level is going to require roulettes and dungeons. Let’s dig into it! Gearing Up Fast The Moonward gear set (item level 570) is the easiest to obtain using Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism, earned through roulettes and level 90 dungeons. Moonward fills gear gaps while working towards higher item levels. Clearing normal Pandaemonium Asphodelos raids gives Unsung Relics to trade for Limbo gear (item level 580). Repeatedly clearing Zodiark Extreme earns Astral Totems to buy Eternal Dark accessories (item level 580). Clearing Hydaelyn Extreme earns Umbral Totems to…

The Main Scenario Quests (MSQs) are the core story quests in Final Fantasy XIV that guide you through the major plot points of the game. They unlock as you progress through the levels and expansions. As the game evolves and you can skip earlier content, the MSQs are still a critical part of the leveling adventure no matter what expansion you start with. The MSQs will be your primary source of experience points (XP) as you level up, especially for your first job. You’ll get tons of XP rewards from completing these quests, which makes leveling up smooth and straightforward. We have another leveling guide focused purely on the first 70 levels, whereas this guide is for anywhere in the game that you may be. My advice for new players is to focus solely on the MSQs when starting out. Don’t get distracted by side quests or other activities, just…

The wacky moving simulator Moving Out was a hit, so naturally the devs at SMG Studio cooked up a bigger, better, and even more chaotic sequel. Moving Out 2 takes the ridiculous physics-based gameplay we loved from the original and turns everything up to 11, delivering double the content and a whole lot more over-the-top action. To put it simply if you’re looking for something like Moving Out or Overcooked, then you need to get Moving Out 2. The improvements to the game are well worth the cost. It can get repetitive yes and some of the later levels are eh, but Moving Out 2 is 2023’s best cooperative game released so far this year. In a genre that needs more, it delivers. Massive improvement as well to Moving Out 1! What was to me at least an already great game has gotten better. Let’s check out some high-level reasons…

Everspace 2 is a beautifully crafted massive open world first person space shooter action RPG with tight controls and a lot of fast paced action. ROCKFISH Games, a small independent studio, have overdelivered in their sequel to Everspace. This time, instead of being a roguelike, the game follows more along an ARPG path where you’re exploring a vast open world with easily 50+ hours of content. It is easily worth the price of admission at full price but let’s dig a bit deeper into that. To be perfectly clear – Everspace 2 is not a roguelike unlike Everspace, although Everspace 2 is much more like an ARPG, i.e., Diablo in space with an open world like Freelancer. So Much Good Content Everspace 2 has so many areas to visit that it can be overwhelming and all of them have different aesthetics and vibes. That’s important that the content is good,…

I recently purchased this really fun Game Boy refurb called “Pastel Boy” from Vapor95 which is a reseller for Gamerchanger Mods. They took a case from MizuCat (which was limited to 50), some upgrades and voila: you get a new Game Boy. I haven’t received it yet but it got me hankering for more: I realized this wasn’t a Game Boy Color. This was, by all accounts, a wonderful decoration for my house and nifty toy but it wasn’t really useful. I needed something where I could bring my massive library that I have amassed of portable games around with me and the Zelda Game & Watch is really useful, but it only has Zelda. I don’t want just PSP either, I want GBA! Luckily that’s where retro handhelds come in. Steam Deck / ROG Ally These devices are now more aesthetic or price based – $150 or less to…

Dave the Diver does an exceptional job of telling you where to go and when. The main story is full of breadcrumbs, UI elements, guiding arrows and landmarks to help you navigate the Blue Hole. There are some elements that might have you scratching your head. Without spoiling the story, we’ve put together how to get through the main quest-line along with a lot of tips, hints and tricks to make it in the Blue Hole. Getting Through the Main Story Most of the main story will directly tell you where to go and how to do it. There are a few places you might get stuck: Chapter Walkthroughs Dave the Diver is a chill game. Your missions and to-dos are in the “To Do” app on your phone. The game is very explicit on where to go. For points of reference, the ship wreck is different than the cargo…

Diablo IV has a very anticlimactic ending that may leave you scratching your head if the game is really over or what has occurred. It may not make a lot of sense at first, but there’s a few things at play when it comes to the ending. We’ll go first over the ending itself literally then take a figurative look at what all of this means for Sanctuary. Quick Note: For the backstory on Lilith, Inarius and Sanctuary see sort of “Part 1” which goes over the events before the game. We’re going to dive right into the ending, which kicks off towards the very end of Diablo IV. How Does Diablo IV End? Inarius and Lilith were both, from the player character’s point of view, insane from their time exiled. Inarius had been in hell for a few millennia per Lorath (which holds the canon from the books still)…

There are two choices to get xp fast in Diablo 4 and it depends entirely on what you want to do. You can do the campaign which is a necessary and required component to playing your first character. At certain points in the story you may need to level up to continue or you may be ready to grind out your levels, either way we’ve got the best farm location and XP gaining tips. If you’ve already done the story you can skip the campaign again and just focus on leveling, meaning you need somewhere to farm without having to move around and do a lot. In this guide we’ll go over the important steps to optimize XP, but first let’s talk about getting that XP. After all you probably already know to turn it to world tier II from the start and play on the highest world tier. This…

Diablo IV is a powerhouse of top down clicking loot harvesting demon slaying mania and you can do so with a selection of classes. The question is, which class is the most optimal and then what would be the primary core skill? Let’s take a look at our top picks for the wanderer in Diablo IV. This list assumes playing solo, since group dynamics can make up for a lot of weaknesses and turn a lot of eh builds into something stronger. Since there’s so few classes in Diablo 4, we’ll break it down to a tier per class. S Tier Necromancer (Bone) The Necromancer’s minion builds are strong in the first 50 levels, but towards the endgame you’ll be thankful to take the bar space back and choose from some powerful abilities instead of taking the golden along. Right now, the bone abilities like bone spear make the Necromancer…