Annual sports games are generally the same every year, with some improvements sprinkled in here and there. MLB The Show is no different. I am a huge MLB fan and initially went the Playstation route over Xbox solely because of The Show, but I don’t think I have bought a copy of the game since 2016. However, the changes that are coming with this year’s version are enticing enough to make me want to spend that extra $60 to get my lifelike MLB experience. Personally, I play MLB The Show for mainly one reason – and that’s for its Road to the Show mode. My childhood dream was to become a major league baseball player, but at 5’6″ and 135 pounds as a senior in high school, I realized that dream would never come true. However, with Road to the Show, I can be a switch-hitting, 6’3″ beast who drops…
Having garnered over 25 million players within just a week of its release, Apex Legends is growing to a massive size. With the game having already passed its first month and with millions of concurrent players battling it out at any given moment, jumping into this gigantic battle royale can easily seem intimidating. But, don’t worry. We have you covered. Apex Legends was released on Feb. 4, 2019. Free-to-play, the battle royale game is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. The game has earned largely positive reviews, having garnered a total 88 Metacritic score on PC. While the game is highly popular, the experience can seem intimidating at first. There are a series of classes to choose from before you even pick up a gun. Beyond that, the title features a sprawling map filled with highly skilled players that have been honing their craft of killing newcomers…
Take a moment out of your day to rewatch Pork and Beans. It’s such a good song to me because around 2009 / 2010 this was really rad and impressive. Today it’s sort of like, a time capsule of the era, where the Internet was still the wild west vs. what I feel is this dystopian future of toxicity across social media and memes popping up and dying within several claps of Pewdiepie’s hands. Just, wow, you’ve got Chocolate Rain, the Star Wars kid, numa numa and so much more. It was like the first YouTube Rewind before YouTube Rewind was a thing. It’s also a reminder that memes don’t age well. We’re always in our modern lives in a constant state of boredom and what solves that boredom today probably won’t in the future. Do you feel it has aged well? I feel both nostalgic because this was my…
Ah, yes: that classic moment in games when you have to make that first important decision for your character, affecting how you’re going to play the game from there. Decisions can be stressful if you’re not sure which way to go — we’ve all had that existential crisis choosing between two flavors of ice cream (what, you haven’t? No, you have, everyone has. Me having a personal crisis over ice cream is normal, okay?). In Bioware’s Anthem, the first important choice you have to make is which Javelin you will choose to play as. Don’t worry — you’ll be able to suit up and play as all the Javelins by the time you reach the end of the game. But once you choose your first one, you’re going to be locked into it for a fair bit of time as you progress, so you’ll want to make the choice that’s…
Since the Super Bowl earlier this month, we have gone nearly one month without football (I’m not counting the AAF). I don’t care much for basketball, but I’ll catch a college game every now and then. Now is the time of the year when I anxiously await for the baseball season to start up, but the best time of the year is when the baseball season is well underway and college football starts back up again. But if NCAA Football was still around, we could have college football in the palms of our hands every day of the year. I recently wrote an artcile about my referee concept game, so here are my takes for revitalizing the NCAA Football franchise. The Road to Glory mode where you create a player and play your senior season of high school all the way through your college career was one of my favorites.…
So the other day I came across some frosted circus animal cookies, and instantly I was back in another time and place. I said out loud how they reminded me of Super Mario 64 since I would always eat them while playing that game. Funny enough, my brother agreed with me, saying he thought the same thing. Isn’t it crazy how that works? The human mind is truly incredible, and I started thinking of what other games I associatewith certain foods. Strangely enough, I associate these barbeque chips with Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes and know that the first time I cranked up Modern Warfare 2, I was eating pretzels. I’ll also hear certain songs that I would jam to during my MW2 online matches, and I instantly think of the game. Does anyone else feel like this, or is it just me? The thing that blows me away is that…
Alright, do I seem a little obsessed with the Resident Evil 2 remake? Because I totally am. The recent DLC has only reignited my fire to 100% this game because not only does it add more quality fun content but its also very affordable with the low low price of completely free. I don’t want to make it seem like the only thing to praise about this DLC is the price tag, the quality is easily that of a paid add-on and I can’t express how awesome the developers are for doing this too but I’ll get to that later. The idea of the DLC is to give some “What if?” scenarios for the player to explore, giving a happier ending to some side characters that didn’t deserve the horrific fates they met. What’s even better is that while the advertisements promote only the three modes of the mayors daughter,…
The GTX 1660 Ti is a joke without a punchline. It’s basically a slightly better maybe GTX 1070, based off of the GTX 2060, but without the DLSS or ray tracing which makes the GTX 2060 different than say… the GTX 1070. So basically it’s like, a GTX 1070 but if you’re good at math and bad at reading, something you’d like buy again thinking it was somehow better. Leveraging Nivida’s clown based numbering system, the GTX 1660 Ti fits between a GTX 1070 and the GTX 1070 Ti / GTX 2060. Some random tech YouTuber claims that they made the 16 series because it’s closer to the 20 series than the 10 series, but a GTX 1080 and 1080 Ti are still vastly superior cards to the 1660 Ti so it really should be like a 1075 or if we’re keeping the 0s a 1070 and a half. Seriously,…
I just downloaded Apex Legends yesterday, and if I had only one thing to say about it so far, it would have to be I have no idea what I’m doing. The concept is interesting, with squads of three with each character having their own “Legend” character with a particular class/skill. This game could be extremely popular, but I don’t know if it will take over Fortnite like they hope. Although there is a tutorial upon starting the game, I found myself struggling during actual gameplay. The tutorial just runs you through the basics, and there’s no way of finding out what each individual Legend is capable of. I have no earthly idea what their unique abilities and skills are aside from the general description of what they do (although it looks like their website tells you). So for now I just pick out which character looks coolest to me. It’s…
Lawmakers have always been critical of video game culture. Now a Pennsylvania official is looking to implement a “sin tax” on certain video games. As reported by GameSpot, a bill has been proposed by Pennsylvania lawmakers to provide a 10% excise tax on certain games. Known as House Bill 109, the bill hopes to provide a “sin tax” on games rated M or Adults-Only by the ESRB. The taxed money would then be funneled into a “Digital Protection for School Safety Account.” The account is intended to enhance security measures at schools, following recent shootings. Republican state representative Chris Quinn proposed the bill back in 2018. However, the bill did not make it out of the committee during the 2018 legislation. Consequently, a similarly worded bill has since been proposed. Back in Sept., Quinn offered the following statement on the matter. “In the near future, I plan to introduce legislation…