


Welcome to the Gaming Tier List ultimate tier list for SMITE 11. If you’re new to the game and looking what to play or trying to climb the ladder, our tier list is ready for you. We’ve consulted with SMITE pros and examined the data to give you the absolute most up to date list of the strongest Gods in the game. Here’s what we’re serving: We’ve got our GTL Tier where we list God by God the best to play for the season. We’re on top of the latest gods by lane for the season. We break down the absolute best God to play for each lane for conquest. Finally we’ve got descriptions and a change log for when Gods move up and down our GTL Tier List. Our guide is updated frequently as the meta evolves and patches release. We’ve got season / year 11 coverage below. Find…

You may only have had 8 minutes of training or less, but this guide will get you up to date to Helldive in no time. This is a speedrun through the tactics you need to know to defeat Hard, Impossible and Helldive with ease, even in the earlier levels. If you’re past the early game and ready to dive deep into the mechanics, here are the unknown things the game doesn’t tell you regarding Helldivers 2. Movement and Stratagems Weapons and Gameplay Dealing with Objectives Quickly Multiplayer

Helldiver’s 2 is a multiplayer game at the core and the game purposefully limits content behind group play. You can solo difficulties 1-4 depending on your level, but it becomes much harder at difficulty 5 to go alone. You may not have a squad of four team mates at the ready to dive with you and it can be really intimidating to join a game with random folks from the ‘net. The first thing you should do is relax and come to terms with the fact that there isn’t always going to be perfect lobbies. Some players are going to be looking for teams with stratagems that align to their playstyle or whatever, but thankfully that only occurs at the highest difficulities where success can be dependent on the build. In the middle of the difficulties, you can relax and not worry so much if you’re bringing the right kit…