Have you ever had that one person that always stole the spotlight from everyone else? That one kid in class that was smart, popular, would always speak the loudest and be the first to answer the teachers’ question? Or have you ever felt like you weren’t the favorite child and your parents would pass you over in favor of the other kid? Well, now you know how it feels to be a Keyblade in any Kingdom Hearts game. The Ultima weapon has always been….. well the ultimate weapon, while there are other Keyblades that have better strength or magic the Ultima is always the perfect mix of the two. So in an effort to help out all of the quiet kids of the world I am making a Keyblade tier list specifically without any of the Ultima weapons. I will preface this by saying that these are from the “.5″…
A 353 page Google Document outlines a wild theory about Kingdom Heart’s III occurring in an alternate dream universe. While the 353 pages aren’t all text and it does have a lot of pictures, the theory is very through in going over how this happens, the exact point in the timeline it occurs and showing a myriad of Easter eggs to back up the plot. If you want to dive into the Google Doc you can or follow along with us as we go over a rough outline of the theory. Since the Kingdom Hearts III Ultimania spoilers are now out, I feel like this theory is going to be more or less debunked and we will actually start off with that below. Serious spoilers moving forward: The theory proposes that towards the end of KH3, when the entire party wipes to the Demon Tide and Sora goes to the…
Kingdom Hearts 3, released Jan. 29, has been snaring the attention of JRPG fans worldwide. For those playing the massive title, it’s time to step up your game. Released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Kingdom Hearts 3 features the return of longtime protagonist Sora. In a battle of good vs. evil, Sora is once again tasked with gathering the power of the keyblade, as well as the strength of the game’s incredible supporting cast. Having sold over 5 million copies within the first week of release, the game has already accrued a mass of players. So, if you want to get in front of the pack, it’s time to up your game. One sure fire way to set yourself apart is to do what few accomplished. Find the ultima weapon. This may not be the most powerful weapon after a lot of DLC has come along, but it still…
“Do you guys not have phones?” A phrase that will live in infamy as the moment where people of the what I would define as more “hardcore” gaming audience realized that mobile games had worked their way into even the most “sacred” of gaming franchises. Mortal Kombat has one, Diablo is getting one and now the much-loved Alien: Isolation is getting a mobile sequel. But that is old news now and acts more as inspiration and example then the breaking of a story, so this one’s for you Alien: Blackout. What I am trying to say here is that there are basically two things that are examined when a game is put into development and that is money and popularity. The gaming community is at a crossroads where those two things are starting to butt heads which is ultimately hurting the people caught in the crossfire. No one can deny…
Free to play games are great, or are they? I can get behind a free to play game under certain circumstances but unfortunately those circumstances are far and few between. The truth is nothing in life is truly free it is like magic everything has a cost. But what is the real cost of a free to play game? I can get behind a free to play game if it uses ads in a respectful manner, micro-transactions solely for ascetics, paid expansions but beyond this I find it unacceptable and the price is your enjoyment. If I must play with people willing to spend real money to rank up it ruins the game for me (though there is always joy when you beat a paid player.) The problem is greed is strong and of course I understand that it costs insane amounts of money to make these games and they…