Video game publisher Ubisoft has come forward with yet another installment within the Far Cry franchise. With the title having recently hit shelves, it’s time to take a look at some of the best guns-for-hire to make their way into the game. Far Cry New Dawn made its official release Feb. 15. Set 17 years after the events of Far Cry 5, the direct sequel is featured within the fictitious world of Hope County, Montana. Adding onto Far Cry 5’s follower system, Far Cry New Dawn offers players guns for hire and fangs for hire. Both systems provide players the chance to gain an NPC companion to accompany them on their journeys. While there is a bevy of options when it comes to companions, there are five followers that truly stick out. Here are some details for each character and directions for how to add each one to your team.…
There are two things I love in life that when mixed are the perfect combination, and that is Mario and America’s greatest pastime. Sure, realistic games like MLB The Show are fun, but it’s way more entertaining to play against friends with a roster filled with Mario and his pals and enemies. I’m sorry, it just is. Mario Superstar Baseball is a game that I am always down to play. I still have my Gamecube (the Gamecube Mario ball is better than the Wii’s) and will take on anyone who is foolish enough to challenge me to a game of five innings. We’re turning off power-ups though; power-ups are a total scrub move. What makes the game so fun is the fact that you can pick a new team every time, and each player is unique and skilled in their particular area. You could go for a team filled with…
One of my favorite early memories in life was playing on my grandpa’s Super Nintendo as a kid. Sure, there was a pool, a swing-set, and a huge backyard to do pretty much anything, but I was always drawn to the Nintendo. I looked forward to loading up my save files and continuing my journey from last time on the road trip. Super Mario World was one of my favorites. It was such a beautiful world, a side-scrolling game that was simple enough yet challenging at the same time. This game was great back then, and it still holds up today. The first thing about this game is how amazing it looked for the time. The colors all pop and the graphics on this game are so much better than its Super Mario Bros. 3 predecessor on the original NES. The world is so visually pleasing, and it makes you appreciate all the hard work…
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is without a doubt one of the best games I have played in years. With so much to do and explore, I found myself lost in the world of Hyrule once again. Breath of the Wild brings a fresh view to the way a Zelda game is played. Your options are limitless. You can do anything you want. Ordinarily, Zelda games in the past had a certain formula. You have to defeat a couple of temples, where you usually find an item that helps you to navigate the temple and defeat the final boss. You then get the Master Sword, defeat a few more temples, and then you fight Ganon or the main boss. It is all a linear story. From the beginning of Breath of the Wild, you get the sense that this is no ordinary Zelda game. You realize the…
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak was recently on the Steam Winter Sale so I finally picked it up, several years after release, because I noticed many top RTS articles had it prominently featured and I absolutely loved the Homeworld series. Deserts of Kharak was an interesting experience because it removed the Z axis from the original Homeworld series and placed the game flat on the ground, but kept the generally same gameplay. If you’ve played Homeworld before, then I’d say get it when it’s on sale or even when it’s not, because it’s more of the same but different enough that you’re not drowning in a formulaic experience. Persistence exists, so resources gathered are kept map to map along with units and their promotions. Units have an almost Atlus / Shin Megami Tensei vibe to how they play against each other’s weakness. Armored vehicles take strike vehicles out, but strike vehicles…
2022 Update: Atlas is still not worth getting yet. Should you buy into Atlas right now? I’m going to say no, but caveat that clearly with I haven’t played and I’m simply sharing the advice that I’m following myself. Atlas has right now an overwhelming amount of negative reviews and a lot of chatter online about how buggy, broken, etc. that it is. There is also the fact that it’s allegedly just an ARK DLC wrapped around a new standalone game, ala Fallout 76, which was a DLC wrapped around Fallout 4’s engine with multiplayer added. There is also the fact it’s still one of the most watched games on Twitch this far out. So why do I say you should hold off buying? Well, it’s to let the community sort out if it’s going to adopt it or not. If you haven’t bought it yet, I would hold off…