


Tim Cain is known as part of the legendary trio behind Fallout 1 & 2. He also worked at Troika and programmed Vampire: The Masquerade and one of my favorite games Arcanum. He recently released a video lambasting Carbine and NCSoft while disclosing some deep interpersonal issues at Carbine. Tim’s video is authentic and his recount is accurate by all means. I covered WildStar heavily from 2011 onward and the stories back then were well known. Carbine was a toxic and unhealthy workplace which had the potential to release the best MMO of the golden age but instead failed with 9 years of development time and a further four post-launch to win back everyone ala Final Fantasy XIV. The video is very misleading in some ways. It argues that there was a lack of unified vision. That’s true, but it was also completely the fact that everyone at Carbine was…

On June 17th Legends of IdleOn received the companion update which brought the new companion shop. The companion shop has a gacha like system where you pay real world cash and receive a random pet, with one of the pets being “Doot” which grants a considerable advantage that allows you to have all of your divinities from World 5 as active. This is a very strong bonus in the game. Some Quick Math If we assume the average cost of a single Doot is: Taking into account basic probability and the geometric distribution, with a .28% original drop rate and after 5,660 gems reaching tier 3 and having a x3 drop rate, we figure it would be about 176.05 chests to get a Doot. Gambling in an Idle MMO So that’s a lot of money for a big advantage in an idle game and quite weird that such a strong…