


Keeping track of your collection can be difficult so I wanted to keep an evergreen list of game collection apps to keep your games organized. I consider a lot when it comes to a game collection app. Does it have a mobile app? Is there barcode scanning? Does it take in the nuances of loose vs. cib vs. new? Can I add more metadata? If the answer is no to these questions, then I wouldn’t consider it a good application with the exception of Excel, which I will go into further detail below. All of the below apps are generally well supported by the community and mentioned frequently across multiple game collecting communities. The Absolute S Tier Game Collection App CLZ Games – PC, Android & iOS (Paid) Without a doubt, the best S Tier game collection app is CLZ Games. CLZ does more than games and charges a minor…

What is the best Squid Game video game out there? We take a look at that, focusing primarily at the top with the real squid game experience and moving down further into more similar games that aren’t exact copy cats or replicas, but embody the spirit of squid games. Finally we have at the bottom, basically, what you shouldn’t probably play and go search for another tier list for some other game because games at the very bottom just… aren’t fun. Without further ado, here’s our list: S Tier – Roblox Roblox is the literal S Tier of Squid Game right now. You’ve got red light, green light. You’ve got the honeycomb. Thenou’ve got marbles and tug of war. The night fight scene. You’ve got the glass jump and in the end you usually get a death match for the actual literal squid game. The fun thing about Roblox is…

We have to store information in this world and we have to do with with electricity, which is quite hard. There’s physical means of storage, but ultimately, we’re using electricity to write it and read it, because computer instructions are just that: electricity. In that way, storing that information is important to everything we do: your bank needs to know how much money you have and your video game needs to know how much gold you have. Traditionally this information would be stored in a database, ultimately looking something like this: “294384,username,482,48982” which would be like your userID, userNAME, GOLD and DIAMONDs. Enter blockchain technology. A revolutionary new way of storing information, leveraging a decentralized list of records where multiple “nodes” process and verify data amongst one another. This gives all kinds of cool advantages, which I’ll let Wikipedia explain blockchain, but it also uses A LOT of power and…

We wanted to put together an all in one resource on how to go out and find your next game purchase at the lowest price, for PC & console. The below guide covers the best deal site aggregators which let you search across multiple vendors and we also cover the best cash back rewards programs that you can leverage without any kind of credit card signup or formal card cash back program. You’d be surprised, sometimes you can get 8% back on a $300 purchase, which is $24 extra dollars back for doing nothing. The reason why is that it’s just easy to buy the game directly off of Steam or your console’s storefront. You search for the title and pay whatever they’re asking for. The problem is that with just a little bit of effort, you can find the game likely way cheaper. Then, on top of that, with…

Back in the early 2000s, when online gaming was a new frontier lag was everywhere. All of the fun and excitement of online gaming was met with rubber banding (where your character would move forward then snap back to a previous spot), in 2005 when WoW launched you would get stuck in the looting pose and in FPS games were heavily impacted on lag with shots being missed as players rubber banded around the map. These issues these days are still a problem, although not as much of one as they used to be. Gamers, to combat the lag, threw down their dial-up modems with 56k of blazing speed and took up cable and DSL as their preferred Internet standard. You had to live near a hub or some other kind of techno-gadget to get fast Internet, but that quickly expanded by 2010 to almost everywhere. That’s not to say…

RoleGenerator was launched in July 2021 oriented to helping dungeon masters and roleplaying game enthusiasts with generating a lot of the day to day minutia of their roleplaying campaigns. As of right now, they have 28 modules divided into two categories: Dungeons & Dragons and generic roleplaying generators. The latter refers to narrative content or content that isn’t specific to any game system and ubiquitous across any type of roleplaying gaming. There are modules focused purely on roleplaying, my favorite being the land and event generator which will take a terrain type and generate flavor text and events that randomly could occur which is great for fleshing out tile by tile what’s there (or even in building rooms for a MUD). Their D&D module generates a shop with inventory, which is useful in building some much needed randomness between shops. Many of the modules include in-depth looks what the generator…

To save you time, if you define a scam to mean that you give someone money for a service and they do not do that service, then by all means WATA and VGA (Video Game Authority) are not scams. They’re legitimate companies that, if you ship your games to them, will grade your games and send them back based on what services you paid for. Maybe not very quickly, but they do what they promise to do. Now, is video game grading in of itself a scam? A fictional system designed to inflate the prices of retro video games that are becoming more scarce due to the fragile materials used to construct their boxes? That’s a deeper question with some actually quite odd answers. Furthermore, should you invest in graded games? That’s an even tougher question. We will dive into all of them below. If you’re wanting to collect retro…

Steam Decks have just been announced and reservations will have opened up at 10AM July 16th. Assuming you have the chance to reserve one, depending on how much stock Valve has. You can reserve one on the following page at Steam and it comes in three models. A base model, a mid-tier model and a high end model. A quick rundown of the three: Base: 64GB of storage and a carrying case. $399Mid Tier: 256GB NVMe SSD (faster storage), the carrying case and a Steam Community Profile bundle. $529High End: 512GB NVMe SSD, anti-glare etched glass, the carrying case, the Steam Community profile bundle and an exclusive virtual keyboard theme. Note, there is a MicroSD slot for more storage. Great Overview If you want a solid professional unbiased overview of the hardware, checkout Gamer Nexus. History & Stock Shortages Valve has failed on almost every hardware release so far, with…

DISGAEA RPG is an Android / iOS mobile game that let’s you play a basic RPG with characters from the DISGAEA franchise. It’s pretty awesome since you have all the main characters from all five main games plus all the side characters coming back with a lot of hilarious dialog and other cool bits. Anyway, we’ve got some answers for your common questions to explain core game concepts followed by the best 4* characters in the game. Latest Updates: Fenrich & Usalia added. Updated 9/24/21 Frequently Asked Questions What character is the best character to start with? So you get to reroll your first draw as much as you want and it’s a guaranteed 4*. You’re going to want to pick Desco. She’s the snake like character and boss character in DISGAEA 4 after all. She has an AOE attack that’s pretty boss early game, doesn’t use a ton of…

So when you first start DISGAEA RPG, you’re given the chance to pick a 4* character. Unlike other mobile games that require you to delete their data and restart and go through tutorial after tutorial to get your first roll, DISGAEA RPG does things differently. You’re given the chance to roll over and over until you get the character you want. DISGAEA RPG has shut down as of 2023. This article is now considered archived in order to remember the history of the game and for use should the mobile app return to active status in the future. What Character Is the Best Starting Character Desco. You can find out more details on our tier list. How to Reroll In the current US / Global release, it’s very simple. After you go through some of the starting story you’re basically given a free 4* and then the option to not…