


Mobile phone gaming has come a long way, and whether you’re a casual gamer just looking to pass some time, or someone looking for a challenge during your lunch break, the iOS App Store has something to offer you. These games were not necessarily released in March of this year, but they are all currently available to download. You can click on the app icons to be redirected to the games’ App Store pages. Without further ado, here are our picks for the top ten iOS games from March 2019, in no particular order. 1. Trivia Crack 2 (Etermax, Free) The trivia sensation finally got a sequel late last year, and fans of the original should feel right at home. For those of you who haven’t played Trivia Crack, it works about how you would expect for a trivia game to work: players roll a category, they try to answer…

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Right? like if I offered you a free sandwich would you honestly say no? So why would you do it with a video game? The FTP market may be oversaturated but there are still some gems hidden in all that mess, and that is what we are here for. So today I’m breaking down the best games on the PS4 that not only won’t break the bank, they won’t even tough your wallet. 5. Brawlhalla If you want to play Super Smash Bros’ but don’t have a Switch this is your next best pick. Brawlhalla is a fighting game that works in much the same way as the SSB series, you pick a champion and fight with up to four of your friends in home or online in a 2D platform mayhem brawl. While the gameplay isn’t quite as tight as it’s predecessor the game…

Take a moment out of your day to rewatch Pork and Beans. It’s such a good song to me because around 2009 / 2010 this was really rad and impressive. Today it’s sort of like, a time capsule of the era, where the Internet was still the wild west vs. what I feel is this dystopian future of toxicity across social media and memes popping up and dying within several claps of Pewdiepie’s hands. Just, wow, you’ve got Chocolate Rain, the Star Wars kid, numa numa and so much more. It was like the first YouTube Rewind before YouTube Rewind was a thing. It’s also a reminder that memes don’t age well. We’re always in our modern lives in a constant state of boredom and what solves that boredom today probably won’t in the future. Do you feel it has aged well? I feel both nostalgic because this was my…

If rumors are true then pretty soon we’ll have to start planning the funeral of the Microsoft Games division and the Xbox consoles. For a while now MS has been making some………. let’s just call them questionable decisions in terms of supporting Xbox and their exclusive games. For example, Xbox Play Anywhere has been an exciting combination of both sides of their business, using Xbox games to push their PC audience to buy through the Microsoft store but where they started tilting the scales too far was making Xbox exclusive games available on PC. When MS made Xbox exclusive games Play Anywhere they killed any interest the average gamer had in getting an Xbox, especially the One X. While it is true that the Xbox One X is graphically one of if not the best-looking home console on the market the more cost-effective option is just to get a decently…