Borderlands 3 is the sequel to Borderlands 2 and kicks off with a new vault hunter back on Pandora taking on an epic adventure throughout the galaxy. There is a lot of the same and a lot of new things in this rendition and our review is pretty simple. If you want an FPS loot game that’s sillier than Destiny 2 and/or an improved version of Borderlands 2 then this game is a must have. The looter shooter has impressive combat, great guns and fun characters to play with some interesting and challenging encounters throughout the world. If you want a detailed story FPS game then, I’m not sure I would recommend Borderlands 3. The story, while long and very in-depth, isn’t very good. The basic premise is that there are two people who have taken over the bandits on Pandora and formed a cult. You’re basically fighting against the…
There’s always a bigger fish. Let’s catch it.
It’s time to up your BDO play.
Educate yourself on this upcoming classic.
Maximize your enjoyment of Nintendo’s latest hit.
Overwatch has taken over the world of competitive shooters. With that in mind, we have a guide to make sure you always stay ahead of the pack. Overwatch was first released back in 2016. Crafted by none other than Blizzard Entertainment, the competitive online multiplayer shooter has garnered massive critical and financial success over the years. The hit title even has a vibrant and thriving professional league. Consequently, Overwatch players have been only growing and growing in both number and skill over the past three years. If you need some help staying on top in this competitive shooter, don’t fret. Check out this guide on how to properly use Junkrat, a top tier damage dealer, so that you stay on top in competitive. Overview Junkrat is one of many heroes available for play in Overwatch. Each character is parceled off to one of three categories, being damage, support or tank.…
Everything in this world has its particular lingo. In baseball there are phrases such as “this dude drops tanks” meaning he hits the crap out of the ball. There is specific legal jargon, such as the terms “de jure” and “de facto” which mean something. Gaming is no different. Gaming has its own lingo, and if you want to consider yourself a true gamer, you need to polish up on your vocabulary. Let’s start with some basics. While “GG” could mean a number of things in the real world, from “go girl!” to Charlie Brown’s catchphrase “good grief,” “GG” simply means good game. If you’ve had a hard fought multiplayer battle, you may want to message your opponent telling them it was a good game. This shows your respect for their gameplay and that you admire their skills. “FTW” is another basic term. It means “for the win”. It is…
There was once a time when you had to truly defeat a video game. Rather it was Super Mario Brothers or Doom, these games offered such insurmountable challenges that it was as if the bits of software were maliciously sentient. Now, however, there is a stark contrast. But, don’t worry. Things have definitely changed over the years, but they have changed for the better. Within the ages of Atari, NES, SNES, PlayStation, and Xbox, games were simply different. Games were not as long. With only a few hours worth of content programmed into each piece of software, video game developers were met with a unified issue. Players were finishing their games far too quickly. This may not immediately seem like an issue. After all, time spent does not inherently equal money well spent. However, there is an underlying issue with players finishing their games too early. Since the earliest days…
After a long wait since last fall, the first Nintendo Direct of 2019 has emerged from the always enigmatic Nintendo curtains. It’s always fun to speculate beforehand which titles we will get updates on and what the new announcements will be. Franchises that got big attention included Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem, but there’s a lot more that was shown, along with a few surprises in store, and here’s everything you need to know. Mario Maker, Bloodstained, and When’s Marvel? So we start off with Super Mario Maker, the familiar Wii U game where players can create Mario levels of their own, being ported to the Switch like other titles ha– wait, this is no port, it’s Super Mario Maker 2, a new game! They could have just ported the first game, so are we leaving the Wii U port town, at last? The game’s new features don’t seem to…
There is nothing quite like a good RPG. The open world, expansive quest lines and in-depth levels of customization and choice are each endearing to the genre. That being said, there is a problem within the RPG world that is not being addressed. Well, now it is time to take a gander at that bloated elephant trouncing around the room. RPG games are about as poorly balanced as it gets. RPG is a pretty expansive genre. Everything from Assassin’s Creed to Tomb Raider could fit under the modern definition, making the term nearly meaningless. It has become more of a marketing term to excite casual fans into a frenzy. Simply placing the term “RPG” on a game box seemingly adds the belief that the game will now offer a deeper and more expansive experience. With that in mind, it’s somewhat understandable that marketers want to see it on every game…