


Let’s face it, we all need snack ideas from time to time. Our guide to gaming snacks goes through the universal snacks which work for almost everywhere and then snacks best for gaming and for watching streams. From popcorn and ice cream to banana loaf bread, here are some ideas to enhance your culinary snacking while gaming. Nothing in this article focuses on being healthy, but at the same time we try to avoid bad ideas like sitting at the computer with an entire cake. Universal Snacks (Boring) Let’s start with the boring and uneventful snacks and move to something more exciting. If you want something healthier to snack on, consider fruit, crackers, snack packs that you can get in the refrigerated section with cheese and nuts, literally just buying some lunchables even though you’re an adult now you can still buy them who is going to stop you they…

Disco Elysium is a RPG with no combat. It’s like Fallout I & 2 or Arcanum but without combat. Imagine if you did all of the town exploration in Arcanum with a Phoenix Wright style exploration mechanic. You basically click on things, talk to folks and explore a world while customizing your character for how you want him to be. One of the biggest helps in understanding the game is that choices seriously matter. There are choices that will open or close various side quests and decisions have permanence. The game tracks most actions in the game and NPCs will treat you based on your current state. Understanding the Writing One of the things about Disco Elysium is that it’s not just written in a sort of artistic way. It’s written from the point of view and perspective of an amnesiac alcoholic cop on a planet that isn’t Earth. Many…

Borderlands 3 is the sequel to Borderlands 2 and kicks off with a new vault hunter back on Pandora taking on an epic adventure throughout the galaxy. There is a lot of the same and a lot of new things in this rendition and our review is pretty simple. If you want an FPS loot game that’s sillier than Destiny 2 and/or an improved version of Borderlands 2 then this game is a must have. The looter shooter has impressive combat, great guns and fun characters to play with some interesting and challenging encounters throughout the world. If you want a detailed story FPS game then, I’m not sure I would recommend Borderlands 3. The story, while long and very in-depth, isn’t very good. The basic premise is that there are two people who have taken over the bandits on Pandora and formed a cult. You’re basically fighting against the…

Katamari Damacy is a unique puzzle game that involves you taking a ball and rolling it through anywhere from on top of a table all the way to the world itself and in later renditions, the universe itself. The ball, as it grows, can pick up bigger items, which causes an interesting snowball effect – the bigger the ball, the faster the size of it can increase. That’s it. That is all there is to it. There are a total of five console games: Katamari Damacy (also Katamari Reroll)We Love Katamari (PS2)Me and My Katamari (PSP)Beautiful Katamari (Xbox 360) (25th best selling Xbox 360 game in Japan)Katamari Forever (PS3) (compilation game) There were a few mobile games as well but the only thing currently out is Amazing Katamari which is an infinite runner. Touch My Katamari, for the vita, could technically be included in the list but it was really…

Astral Chain is harder to categorize than most games because while it is part RPG, part action game it is also part detective game, part collection game and part visual novel. These tips below will help you through the game itself, if you’re looking to pull off an S+ ranking then see our tips for earning an S+ ranking every time. You Can’t Collect Everything in the First Playthrough You can replay levels and this is important, because for file 02 for instance, you can’t get the kitty cat without a different legion. You’ll only have your sword legion and its special ability will be locked until a tutorial. It can be slightly frustrating sometimes because you want to collect everything but the game won’t let you. The major collectables are the red corruption and one bathroom and one kitty kat per level, in addition to all of the files.…

The most important parts of a PC build aren’t within the PC itself, but are the devices we use to interface with it and have some of the largest impact on performance. An old monitor with a low refresh rate won’t show the full performance of an RTX 2080 TI, while a mouse and keyboard are used across more than just games. That’s why it’s important to purchase high quality input devices and avoid some of the cheaper “sludge” I like to call it on Amazon. A mouse is something that I use a lot, from clicking links on the Internet to pressing the pew pew buttons. Mice for me have crossed generations, my trusty MX518 lasting through Windows 95, then Windows 98 and into the Windows 7 era. At which point I switched over to the Razer Naga. I’ve never had a reliable Razer product and often had to…

Summer Catchers is PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) game about an epic road trip through the forest starting in a wooden car to find summer. It’s a little bit like Alto’s Odyssey (published by the same publisher, Noodlecake Studios) mixed with a little bit of Reigns. The basic premise is that you’re in a vehicle, you’ve got a limited number of power-ups to overcome specific obstacles and a list of tasks to complete to move to the next area and unlock more zones. A cooperative mode exists where players take turns choosing items and you unlock additional functionality as you go through the game (I don’t want to spoil it too far). The four man team behind the game has put a lot of extra love into it, which is reflected in the beautiful pixel art and the subtle wit of the story. Unlike other endless runners, there is a steady…