


Now I’m sure people are tired of hearing about GOTY talk and now that it’s a new year I’m sure you thought that you were safe finally, well GOTCHA. Honestly, I absolutely love to argue, well more of debate topics back and forth with both sides bringing up good points and supporting those points with sound logic then waiting while the other person does the same, or at the very least yelling that doesn’t end in fights, tears or both. So obviously all of the game of the year talk had me ready to grab a drink and some cough drops but I personally feel that it’s unfair to decide a true game of the year before January, but now that the first of the year has passed lets get down to the nitty-gritty of why GoW still reigns supreme. First let’s talk about some of the challengers to the…

It’s no joke that game piracy really hurts the industry. How it hurts the industry, I do not know. Most of the pirates I’ve seen probably don’t have enough money to buy the games they “steal” but nevertheless it’s a problem. I mean, if games don’t make money then investors don’t invest in games and then we’re stuck with GoFundMes and Kickstarter games that have as much success making it past the first released alpha build as you do getting your order right at the local fast food restaurant. The key to piracy is that the games code is executed within the PC that it is installed in. If you play, for instance, Fallout 4 then there is very little online connectivity built into the game. Everything, from NPCs to damage calculations, is ran through your processor and graphics card to present the game to you. The game’s code is…