Video game publisher Ubisoft has come forward with yet another installment within the Far Cry franchise. With the title having recently hit shelves, it’s time to take a look at some of the best guns-for-hire to make their way into the game. Far Cry New Dawn made its official release Feb. 15. Set 17 years after the events of Far Cry 5, the direct sequel is featured within the fictitious world of Hope County, Montana. Adding onto Far Cry 5’s follower system, Far Cry New Dawn offers players guns for hire and fangs for hire. Both systems provide players the chance to gain an NPC companion to accompany them on their journeys. While there is a bevy of options when it comes to companions, there are five followers that truly stick out. Here are some details for each character and directions for how to add each one to your team.…
I have lived in the south my entire life, and if there’s one thing southerners love the most it’s the fun little euphemisms that we get to say, one of my personal favorites is “Don’t get too big for your britches” which essentially means don’t think you are more or better than you actually are and try to do more than you can handle. If you would like an example look no further than the Epic Games Store, and their attempt to compete with the likes of Steam because I don’t think I could even make up a better one. Nobody can deny the success of Fortnite and the insane amount of money the game has made them, but thinking that they can get a slice of the Steam market? Absolutely insane, and not one of those “So crazy it might work” plans more like watching your buddy bet his…
Recently I heard of a story about Formula 1 Racing. There was some race between an accomplished F1 racer and an Esports racer on a real-life track. If I’m betting money on this race, I’m throwing it all on the tried and true driver, the one who has raced in the physical world. I would have lost all of my money. The Esports driver won, beating the actual driver with years of experience by 0.6 seconds – unbelievable. The training from his video game sim was so realistic; he was able to drive a real F1 car better than a serious competitor in the racing realm. How else can video games be used as training? This may sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but video games may be the key to the future. Think about how advanced video games have become. They may be able to help us in all sorts…
Twitter isn’t a litmus test of public opinion of actual players, it’s simply a litmus test of the public.